Since virtually all of your other Permanents are indestructible already, Avacyn Angel seems a bit redundant. Cool theme though
Nice! A Dragon deckGreat mana ramp cards for this deck would be Seething Song, Quicksilver amulet, and Dragonspeaker Shaman. Maybe Geosurge as well.You should consider replacing ForgeStoker dragon with Flameblast Dragon. They are very similar but you get more with Flameblast dragon for the same mana cost.Also, since every creature in this deck is a dragon, you can't go wrong throwing in a few Crucible of Fire.Here's my Dragon Deck for comparison:
Good advice. I ended up side boarding Test of Faith and putting in an extra Time of Need and Day of Destiny
How do you intend on winning, if I may ask
Mercedes, thanks for the advice!You're right about the flame slash I swapped it out for a lightning bolt. Also side-borded the dark-steel plate.Yeah my sideboards are never really that organized.. Overall I think the deck is pretty good. I've given it a good amount of play testing.
Great deck! Maybe throw in a couple Rootbound crag if you can afford them
Hey, 3 things: 1- This deck is NOT competitive. It does however kick butt at the kitchen table. 2. I don't care about making sure its viable for modern or standard. If you want my opinion on that whole system, its a great marketing strategy to get people to keep spending money on new cards.. I put good cards in a deck regardless of what edition they came out.3. I altered it a little since you commented but I don't understand how you could say it is " way too slow"... What is making it slow in your opinion? I mean, even the finisher (khalni hydra) gets out on average turn 4 or 5...
Alright guys I've updated the deck. What do you think?
Classic good Goblin deck. Add Goblin piledriver if you can afford it! (But Goblin Wardriver is a great substitute too)
I would suggest 2 Kargan Dragonlords in place of your 2 wall of fire. Its more versatile and easy to beef him up. I have a Dragon deck as well if you would like to check it out!
Deck is very well thought out. I like it!
SouldofMirrodin thanks for letting me know! I'll change it. Demonking yes you are right. There are a lot of 1-ofs. I kind of like knowing each playthrough will add different opportunities though. What would you take out?
This deck has potential, but you should put a couple low mana creatures. Very vulnerable to a rush.
If you have any advice for my deck let me have it!