I think you should have enough mana to play all those spells. I would personally even consider more Cathartic or Faithless. Another great card I forgot is Insolent Neonate. It allows you more opportunities to activate Madness at instant speed, which is quite powerful for things like Distemper of the Blood and Senseless Rage. And on top of that it draws you another card. And it has menace, which is more relevant with Senseless Rage in the mix. I'm not sure of what you want for a finisher...
Faithless Looting?
Nice. I think you could down the land count and get away with it. Also, since you're not aiming to be modern legal, why not trade up Serum Visions for Preordain. Its almost strictly better, and cheaper too!If you wanted to make it more reliable you could ditch Ornithopter for some more card filtering such as Ponder... Sixteen is quite a few creatures.Anyway fun idea :)
Just so you know, if you have two commanders with partner, you only need/should have a deck of 98 cards. :)
Muddle the Mixture over Dimir Infiltrator as it helps protect the combo as well as tutor? Also, what about Thought Scour?
I agree. Being able to activate the ability with just your lands would be much better. Also, maybe something like Chromatic Lantern would be of help. I would seriously consider swapping Channel the Suns out for it.
What about Dizzy Spell? Or is the large amount of cantrips enough?
Good idea. I like the bird tribal idea. Definitely BOP instead of Pilgrim. Glink Hawk only has 8 targets. Is that enough to ensure it won't be a dead draw?
Perhaps one Guttersnipe, as it goes well with Chandra's Spitfire?
Door of Destinies? Its only real worth is with Squadron Hawk.I might swap Revoke existence for Disenchant but it depends on your meta. Are there many gods?Also I'd swap out Memnite for Elvish Mystic as the one mana is greatly worth it for increased ramp. A card I would like to suggest is Whitemane Lion. Whitemane with Karametra is absolutely crazy,(You keep returning itself to your hand. ) exponentially growing your number of lands. You can also get into play for free with Ornithopter and also combos great with Blind Obedience. Let me know if you're going to take the deck in that direction, I might have a go at it myself. Anyway, good deck! :)
Thanks. I haven't play tested it yet; might proxy it and see. As to the consistency, this deck should operate well without drawing any of the direct synergies. The aggressive strategy is a fairly simple one: play creatures and attack before your opponent develops a significant board presence. Additionally the synergies are so numerous that the chance of them happening is fairly high.
I agree with what you removed. I've played with Herald and it is really slow. Return to the ranks you don't really want too many of either.
What about Whitemane Lion? You can play it at instant speed and then return for free life with your three clerics. It also helps dodge removal.
Sorry man. Its just supposed to function alternatively to other decks and be fun, i.e dodging removal, rampant board presence acceleration, counters, removal etc.
Ahh I see. nice!
uh huh. That's fair enough
That would be nice. Good suggestion
Swap Simian Spirit Guide for Whip of Erebos? I wouldn't go the whole four though.
I like the idea. Good amount of creatures to always trigger Ula's Temple. What exactly is the abuse of Stasis and Vedalken Mastermind? I don't understand.
I like the synergy with Tree of Perdition. Asylum Visitor over Furyblade Vampire, or at least some alongside it, as you have several madness enablers but limited madness cards. Asylum Visitor is also very decent card in its own right :)
41-60 of 131 items