Entomb is tooooo expensive :(
The deck is too crowded for that card, sorry. Though that's a great card for any Iona based deck. :)
pyrohemia too is pretty good on this. take a look at it.
I still prefer Funeral Charm. I have all big creatures, it would be a waste if if would sac them just for a discard. Well, except for putrid imp but his ability is to discard so... yeah. i believe funeral charm will work better :)
I was actually thinking of replacing 2 reanimates with 2 dance of the dead. do you think that's good? But i'm thinking 2 mana to untap kinda hurts. hmmm...
*replaced Karmic Guide with an additional Reya Dawn Bringer
You are absolutely right! She prolly wont like how liliana looks anyway. haha! about that serra thing... that seems like a good idea. if I can get my hands on a textless serra angel, than why not!! :D
i have made a deck like this during ravnica-time spiral-coldsnap days. one thing you should never forget is Skred and snow lands. :)
There. I now have 2 ionas and 2 razias. I also added patriarch's bidding but I'm still gonna check the availability of this card since, as you know, I'm really gonna make this deck with a tight budget. also scraped the demonic tutor since they're so expensive. i'm planning on adding just 2 diabolic tutor (same effect, higher casting cost). Since the concept of this deck it to get my creatures out fast, i don't think I have enough fuel to go on to late game if I got bad draw or got controlled. So I was thinking of putting in Lilliana Vess, your thoughts?
oh yeah! where did the burried alive go? I was wondering why the deck felt so loose. About the additional creatures... I was actually thinking about putting iona more since it's a global control. i dunno. lemme fix it up for a bit.
yep! the couple that plays together, stays together
hmmm i'm actually considering of putting lilliana ves here... i thought of it and it seemed like a very nice suggestion.
there's probably no more. the only thing missing there is entomb. that's because it's veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery expensive.
so what do you suggest I do with this?
what if I take the dash hopes out and put in 4 lotus petals?
also added 4 dash hopes
lol 8 burried alive. haha! sorry bout that. anyway, I cant put entomb since it costs too much and no one wants to sell it! also, I don't like hymn to tourach that much so I just put demonic tutor. i think that's gonna do :) any more comments? :D
I need comments. :) I'm actually looking for a black cards that lets me draw and discard at the same time.
my only comment is add parias shield
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