i dont have many miracle and i prefer to keep the 2 cards, i have the traitous because i took out zealous human dude and i have fling to get rid of their creauture, i am putting in 2 shrines for burn, i forgot those. chanrda is good but tibalt is trash, however i dont own a koth, and i own a tibalt. spellbomb is a good idea, i think i might shove it in there but idk what to take out.
also, i would take out chimeric mass and put in 2 ornithopters, all the damage from atacking is worth it to have a little flying.
what about the hero of ox ridge dude? his effect where the opponants creatures with 1 power cant block is pretty under rated.
bvm about the bolt, i didnt know it wasnt standard anymore
nice, i see where this is going, and the torpor orb may screw up your opponent/ got my like.
i do own 2 spellskites but that means ill have to pay 2 life... eh it was a good suggestion, i think they'll fit in. i just wish i could put blue mana in this without blowing the cost through the roof. multicolor lands cost alot if you dont have them.
take out shock n put in lightening bolt? also might wanna look at shrine of burning rage and hellrider, they would suit this deck well. i like it.
dude this is sweet, id love to have a LD off lol, i just made a land distruction, pure red. kills first land on 2nd turn and keeps going, even has a few big creautures in it. biggest card cost 5, just like this deck :p interesting.
i actually really thought about that, but pillage cost 3 when melt cost 4, even if melt does 2 damage. pillage can also kill artifacts :p its an entire turn earlier and that makes all the differencein a land destroy deck.
this is sweet!
Witchbane Orb??
cool combos to stay alive.
this looks nice, my friend is making a curse deck and we never thought about throwing in green, i like it :p have you tested it? any good?
i like mono colored decks so i might work on a pure black land destroy deck, where ill include that card and phyrexian obliterator, he destroys lands ;] im in the process of making the other land destroy deck i posted, i barely have any of it but im ordering certain cards offline and buying others at a shop, i cant wait. even if it doesnt win it'll be fun.
i thought about te sinkhole one! it cost 4 and i have 2 things in here that cost 3, i plan on ending the game by eventually using roiling terrain.
this is more for 2 v2 or multiplayer games, i made a different land destroy deck that is pretty good with mana and has 2 creatures that have land destroy effects. this one has absolutely no defense :p check out the link below, it is much different even though there are only like 3 card differences. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=299853
im hoping that whoever im facing isnt using a rush deck, i can cut down your lands and damage you but i dont really have much defence, besides lightning bolts or my actual creatures. its more for fun than a win :p
personally i would replace overrun with overwhelming stampede. :p im a large fan of green. instead of all that random crap with reach or flying kills i would use gravity well. asuming your big creatures can take it :p
this is a slow start but aweeeeeeeesome idea, totally stealing this XD its kinda cheap to make too!
i knoow! but with oracle there is no way ill draw lands so the chances get alittle big better. rites of flourishing lets me draw also, and ill probably never have a hand more than 1 card because of all the elves and mana ramp. late game there is almost no way i can lose.
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