
9 Decks, 9 Comments, 0 Reputation

Yeah. Here's my name and shit. Just click and go and look at decks.

Posted 09 June 2013 at 12:38 in reply to #350477 on Crusade of Tajic-istan


Looked up Three Dreams. Totally going to have to find a slot for it. That is pretty legit. Instantly grab Eldrazi Conscription, Steel of Godhead and Battle Mastery. 17/17 Annihilator 2, Lifelink, Doublestrike, Unblockable. Swing, Win.

Posted 29 March 2013 at 20:16 in reply to #336905 on Bruna, Destroyer of Players.


Funny. Don't hate cause I know how to find synergy in cards. XD

Posted 29 March 2013 at 20:07 in reply to #330383 on Nope! Chuck Teysa.


This is my first foray into the realm of mono-colored EDH. So I'm still trying to familiarize myself with it. Also, first time doing a mono-blue deck of ANY kind. Master Thief looks interesting. Might have to find something to take out for it.

Posted 29 March 2013 at 20:06 in reply to #331833 on Grand Theft EDH.


Sakashima the Imposter.

Posted 29 March 2013 at 20:05 in reply to #330597 on Grand Theft EDH.


Thanks, Man! I made this deck for a buddy who loves running angels, but is having trouble maintaining a good board position at our table. Figured this would be right up his ally.

Posted 09 February 2013 at 01:14 in reply to #322381 on Bruna, Destroyer of Players.


Oh snap... yeah. It's supposed to be the other way around. Lol. Although the edit now... I threw in some Hero of Oxid Ridge. I run 12 Plains and 9 Mountains along with 2 Contested.

As for strength... Yeah. The game place in my city has TNM... which is basically FNM for people who work on fridays. So it gives more opportunities for tournaments. I go twice weekly. Tonight I took first place. It works awesome.

Posted 01 June 2011 at 04:45 in reply to #165849 on Hot Flashes (Knights/Burn)


Question. Have you considered running Hero of Oxid Ridge? I was thinking about throwing him in there to help against Kuldotha Red's or hell... anything that runs weenies which seems to be popular in my area.

Also. What about Red Sun's? I know you only run the red splash as a means of late game utility burn. But I mean at the latest in the game if the deck works as planned (a.k.a. a turn 5-6 win) and you get a land every turn, you're looking at dealing at least 5 damage. And it goes back into your library as a means in case you need to go on longer.

Last question, wwustyle... How in the name of Christ do you deal with Phyrexian Crusaders? I was going to go 4-0 at FNM, but my last guy was ONLY running Phyrexian Crusaders and he just so happened to get two out... each game. Talk about crap luck.

Posted 02 May 2011 at 11:43 as a comment on White Knights and Hot Fire - Type 2


I would like to take this moment to thank you. Sure, I was unoriginal and used your deck idea, so sue me... however since I didn't have the money for 3 Elspeth's I just simply used 1 elspeth, 1 ajani, 1 gideon.. cards I already had in my collection.

I went to a Tuesday Night Magic tournament (kind of like the lame little brother of FNM) and out of a good 25 participants, I piloted the deck to a 3-1. The only deck I really lost to was one that I conceded, because I didn't have anything in my sideboard. Allow me to elaborate.

Match 1: Green/Red/Black Deck (Dunno what it was called... wasn't a cookie cutter deck.)
Game 1: All he had out was green and black creatures. Couple Honor of the Pures and 3 Mirran Crusaders later, he was dead on turn 5.
Game 2: Mana-Screwed. Got Pwned. Nuff said.
Game 3: Closer match than the last two... Came down to turn 7 with both of us around 5 life. Honor of the Pure + Mirran Crusader + Knight Exemplar + Brave the Elements to get past all three of his creatures. Match Me (2-1)

Match 2: Green/White Stall Deck.
This was the one I conceded. I had every single one of my creatures. He spent 45 minutes getting me to mill my deck while protecting his life points with things like Tanglestep, Fog, and the white card that does the same. Incredibly retarded If I might say.

Match 3: Green/White Deck
Game 1: Day of Judgment saved my ass, dude kept discarding vengevines and then dropped like 3 1 or 0 drop artifacts to get all the vengevines out. Thank god for DoJ... Smeared him with a hero, an accorder, a mirran with a Honor of the Pure and a Exemplar.
Game 2: Mana-Locked... Had 10 lands out with no hope of creatures. Got run the hell over.
Game 3: Decent Balance of Lands and Creatures in my hand, managed to win with only three mana (thank god for most of my creatures having 3 mana.) Match Me (2-1)

Game 4: Red Artifact Burn (Not Kuldotha Red or RDW)
Game 1: Guy only ran burn spells, with a boatload of Chandra variants. Managed to squeak 2 exemplars out and then just had fun for the rest of the game hitting his life with no defenders to stand in my way.
Game 2: Mana-Locked yet again, got burned to death by a pair of wyrmcoil engines.
Game 3: Nothing he could do. All lands, a couple burn spells, and a couple of little creatures that were easily taken care of lighting bolts/burst lightning, Mirran Crusader once again helped me win. Match Me (2-1)

So overall... I won 3 out of my 4 matches, and in terms of games went 6-5. Not bad in my books... because I don't really count the dude who was running the time-out deck... Thinking about sideboarding a Felidar Soverign just in case I see him at another tournament because I was at 45 Life by the end of the first game, before I drew my last cards. I would have played that thing and won. Figures. But thanks again for the great Ideas, hopefully (even though i stole it, and was unoriginal) this gives you some more data to look at.

Posted 13 April 2011 at 15:44 as a comment on White Knights and Hot Fire
