- To test: 1 removal for trendils of corruption
Heya, happy new year,I have considered the following:- right now the deck is running 6 draw spells: 4 sign in blood/ night's whispers. I am considering switching 1 sign in blood and the 2 read the bones out for 3 ob nixilis planeswalker so the deck has a source of card draw and removals as a thread. -geralf messengers are fine but they are usually quite slow. I have found myself in scenarios in which the 2 life loss wasnt relevant and the etb tapped screwed my chances of blocking high dmg creatures. Therefore I would like to test switching them out for gatekeepers of malakir. Since there would no longer be any geralf, ammits could behave replace for vampire nighthawks. - as for kalitas I'm sure I can find a spot for a singleton- a last thing to mention is that Im currently testing Curse of Deathhold, a 4 of. With a couple in play massacre wurm can wipe everything out a take a bunch of lifes from opponent
About Fatal push, I have not that many permanents which are gonna leave the battlefield so no way to maximize it's potential
I am still testing this out. About your input:- Dark Confidant : costs are too high to run dark conf- Vampire: I use baleful ammit instead because It can reset geralf's with counters- lashwrithe: sounds like a good idea, I will take this into account, ty- Liliana: I totally despise liliana- Korlash: I had never seen this card before, I'll consider this, ty- Kalitas: I'm current considering it- Gatekeeper: no room for this one in my deck- dismember: nah I prefer my other removals- phyrexian arena: I tested this one and underwold connections out, the results were not satisfying- Wrench Mind: I have other ideas for sideboard
It's just an idea, I even havent tested it out yet but I appreciate your feedback, ty