a single card win condition is a deadly idea, if you get it early you win, if for some reason it takes a wile to get it out your in trouble.
just hope the opponent doesnt have any destroy all artifacts cards.... i like it, uses a bit to many of the best cards for my likeing but it is good.
hay thats only 40 cards, o its not a full deck, carry on.
aside from the obvious power artifact cards nothing to amazing. haveing 12 cards that can not produce mana the first turn for no reason seems like a mistake.
o i missed that. thx, it is a fun looking deck, but i cant be shure cuz i only got the cards on this site.
1 of each of megrim wheel/deal and curess and you win just like that, wow. the only problem i can see is if its a real fast deck with life gain, and then its a bad dash race.
thx for the input, i like the white knight, works better than rift knight. and looks cooler =)
i can see how avatar can be played but i still question it. as for the lands, 15 rare lands that cant do there job, they only come in untapped if you got a forest or plains, you have none. plus you can only have 4 in a deck.
merfolk.....bahh. its ok i guess, but i think the cards themselfs are a bit to powerfull, that means less of a challenge!
an ok zombie deck with a interesting splash of white. a bit to many overused cards in my opinion. but still not something you see every other deck so its ok.
color change is only 2 colors. so i think its best to use just thows 2 colors....
meh a spamm blue deck. just get as many different mer folks out and it gets crazy! i have not seen many mer decks so i guess its ok.
interesting....but with only one creature i question its chances. look at the 3 color creatures, especially the 2 and 3 drops, they would realy help out.
so a flat ally 1/1 buff deck with a fiew spells to help out, nothing amazing. show me the unique and new! think outside the box, then think outside that!
so the hole idea is gain life with the best life gain cards. that leaves you very vulnerable to a beat your ass deck or a mill deck, plus it only has 4 counter cards. buff up aOrk!!!!!
i must say i ahve yet to see many good black eldrazi decks. but this finds a great use for thows tokens.
since u got no tokens in this deck get rid of hand of emrakul. its just not cost effective without them.
to many cards. try to have between 60-65. also its better to have copys of the very best cards instead of just haveing lots of different cards.
skyshoud is a better choice ill change that. realm razer looks like a good idea to but i dont like to have to many 6 or more drops.
no to darksteel, no to lattice no to golem take out hand of emracu. replace with some colorless defenders, you wont be able to get them out in 1 turn so haveing some 1 or 2 drop throw aways would help greatly.
21-40 of 110 items