Ruin Ghost interesting!
As I've said a couple of times now, I want to keep the deck on a low budget. Thats why i dont have them in it :)
New changes. -2 Fling +2 Brute Force This deck just got a little bit more vicious...! >=)
You are so right! The fingers wrote faster than my brain was thinking =)
Assault Strobe on it makes it very nice. 14/10 trample, its all good. T1 - Mountain, Adventuring Gear T2 - Mountain, Goblin Gaveleer (becomes 3/1 with equipment on) T3 - Terramorphic Expanse, Fetchland, Assault Strobe, Attack with 14/10 trample Goblin Gaveleer...
Nope i have not. But I have now :) Thnx. Sweet to have their abilities useless. Just like Arrest but cheaper in mana :) -2 pacifism +2 journey to nowhere
Oooh wait. Now I get it. You play Terramorphic Expanse as usual on main phase, but dont "use" it until they block or not. Smart. Why haven't I thought of that :P
Are you sure? I always thought that you only could play a land before and after combat step. Which involves the declare blocker step.
-4 Goblin Guide +4 Goblin Gaveleer Why? Goblin Guide is a little to expansive. Gaveleer fits well in a low budget and with trample it can become good. With adventuring gear on it and a land or two it can be a 5/3 trample or a 7/5 trample.
Agree, but staying on a low budget. otherwise good call!
Trying to stay on a low budget. Lands arent cheap... :-)
-2 Cloud Crusader +2 Goblin Guide
-2 Dawn Charm +2 Goblin Guide
True, true... Just felt like i needed something to help me against flying creatures. But as you say, my goal is to kill people fast. But with 2 more goblins the cost for the deck increase. As it is now it is actually quite cheap to buy.
I like it! Thanks!
Your thoughts on this would rock. Suggestions for approvements.
I'd really like som input on this deck i made.
Now I've made som changes to the deck. Comment!
Feel free to give me your thoughts on this deck =)
Well? Anyone have any suggestions???
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