Bitterblossom is not legal in the modern format sadly
#2 thats just mean lol
it may work haha its always worth a try
Drowned Catacombs just taps for black mana as well i dont see where your getting this two slot stuff lol unless your talking about Misty Rainforest
I like it but why do you have 4 Drowned Catacombs?
i like the dash hopes and geln elendra pranksters but as for the gigadrowse its kinda a maybe i wil go get them and try them out see how it works ans thanks for the help
mana leak! lol
should i replace agony warp with grasp of darkness?
thanks for the tips i am still trying to get bitterblossoms i just got the runesnags today thanks again
sweet i will go pick up 3 or 4 Glen Elendra Archmage
more counters!!!!
i am thinking about adding sowers of temptation 4 mana faerie that lest me take control of target creature
sounds good thanks for the help
so what should i keep replace?
well right now i am playing against (my friends deck) and it is usllay a pretty even game except i cant get land out
haha thanks
well there is the mistbind clique to tap all there land pester mites to tap the annoying creatures i do need more bitterblossoms and you jave scions of oona to power up all faires
island walking bad lol