This is my take on the Modern class, Slippery Bogles! I decided to make this deck as soon as I saw Open the Armory as a spoiled card when Shadows Over Innistrad spoiled. What I do that's different from most builds I've seen is that I run Gaddock Teeg in the main board, as a general hate card.
I play this deck the same way any Bogles deck is played. Play any hexproof creature and enchant the crap out of them to make them huge! You can also do this with a Kor Spirit Dancer if you're feeling daring, since they die to Fatal Push, no matter how big they are. As for the other creatures, Gaddock Teeg and the lone Spellskite, here's their purpose. Gaddock is in the deck for his abilities, since he shuts off so many things that people will use to hate you out, and there's a few rules for him.
1. If you suspect your opponent has Anger of the Gods in their deck, try to get his toughness over 3 as soon as possible.
2. He always needs a buddy. Whether it be attacking, or generally, because if he swings and your opponent casts Blessed Alliance, there aren't enough Umbras or salt in the world to save him. Same goes for if Liliana of Veil hits and he's alone.
As for the Spellskite, he's there on the off chance you play Burn, or Infect, or a mirror match game one. He also makes a great buddy for our old friend Gaddock, since he can redirect practically any harm targeted at Gaddock to himself.
Now the enchantments are pretty self explanatory. Though the single ones are in there as something to fetch with Open the Armory, assuming you haven't drawn them already. Here's there intended functions:
Spirit Link: To grab when you need life in a pinch, or to stop Eidolon of the Great Revel. Yes, for those of you who don't know, you CAN enchant your opponents creatures with Spirit Link, so you get healed the damage they deal. As well as Spirit Link stacks with Lifelink.
Keen Sense: You're running out of steam and you want to stay on the warpath, or you're digging for something.
Now, lets move onto side tech!
Stony Silence: For Affinity and Tron (mostly affinity)
Pithing Needle: To stop planeswalkers, creature-lands, or even fetch lands if you know it'll slow your opponent down.
Seal of Primordium: To hate on Affinity some more, Tron a little bit, and when Blood Moon and Chalice of the Void are giving you trouble. Against Affinity, I recommend saving these to blow up Inkmoth Nexus, assuming you haven't shut it down with Pithing Needle already, because you have over a hundred life and that will not save you from ten infect counters.
Leyline of Sanctity: Any deck that targets you. Bring it in against Burn, 8-Rack, any deck with Liliana of the Veil since your opponent WON'T be able to make you sacrifice anything, and any deck with Thought-Knot Seer.
Spellskite: Also good to bring in against Burn, against Infect, and in the mirror match.