Breaking would be better use over Mind Sculpt, since you get 8 cards instead of 7, though it's Black and Blue instead a Blue and anything. Also, if possible, working Mind Funeral into the deck somewhere would really speed up how fast you can Mill someone out.
The only other dragon I've been thinking of working into the list is Thundermaw Hellkite.
It certainly is. I just have Blood Moons in the list because I already own a playset, and I just hate Apline Moon because I don't like giving my opponent a land that taps for any color. ^^'
Depending on how Budget friendly you want the deck to be. Sarkhan, Fireblood would fit very well into this.
Makes sense to me.
This is cute and I love it!
You could run Jace's Phantasm over the Minister of Inquiries to have a nice big blocker. I also don't like the Shriekhorn, but I've only played Mill once, so I don't know how good or bad it actually would be in the deck.
Do you think Quickling would have a home in this?
Not a problem. :)
You could try Vines of Vastwood over Titanic Growth, since it could be used as an alternate way to give a creature Hexproof, and if you kick it, you get the +4/+4 too!
Thanks! I apologize for the late reply, this is my first time back on the site since I posted it. I'll have to consider Goblin Guide in the event one of the cards doesn't work out. Also, I'll definitely take a look at your posts!