Would love suggestions for fun cards to add to the deck that might benefit it within the context of the PDC format. I have a healthy group of commander players that bring their decks every week to the shop to play this format and they love the anarchy and wild swings that the center deck provides! It really puts every deck into an even playing field and always makes for incredibly interesting and fun plays!
Thinking alot about adding some counter ability. Not sure where to start, but I picked up a playset of polluted delta for deck thinning and swapped out the thoughtsieze's for cabal therapy since a backup flashback to snapcaster is just too bood to pass up on and most of the time I know what's in their hand from a previous extripate/surgical. As much as I like devestation tide for the recurrance of snapcaster and the interaction with cabal therapy, I'm messing around with the idea of playing a playest of damnation in their place for the raw wipe-out-everything-ability of the card. The mana cost is pretty high for the deck, but very few things have an answer to that much board wipe.
Solid counter deck. Very nicely done!
Love a good zombie deck
Would love some tips on how to make this deck even better! Sideboard help would be awesome too.
Should be running ancient tomb for sure.
What do you think about Bob in place of the strix?
What are the issues that lead to it killing itself?
Seems to me that while scatterbrained absolutely, it would give you a very interesting tool in an already stacked toolbox of a deck. Best of all, it would probably surprise your opponent somewhat. I don't know about your local meta, but mine doesn't see alot of phantasmal images running in anyones decks. If they made a black colorshifted version with flash I would be on that like white on rice. Can't think off hand what, if any black creatures have flash at all to be honest. It's probably more of a green/blue thing.
Seems to me, in playtesting this, it runs very land heavy with no real benefit to having the extra land... So long as I'm getting 2 land at least, or an island and a brainstorm in the first hand, the deck will fix itself up to the sweetspot of 3... Maybe if I were running heavier things, but it seems like baleful strix bumps into the extra land with its draw one after I get the blue and black I need to drop him. I dunno, gotta test it out more.
Took your advice and bumped the land count up to 20. My biggest issue with running so many land in test plays has been getting too many and not being able to use them for much of anything beyond devastation tide resetting and recurance with snapcaster for a late game swing. Leads me to my reason for devastation tide. The bounce for all my non-land permenants and my opponents opens up snapcaster reuse for more chances at extripate and extraction while also presenting targets for thoughtseize in my opponents hand that would otherwise be non-removable. Getting rid of their true-name, goyfs that avoid an initial removal by being on the field, Any number of things like that. I ran damnation and found it to be too painful for my own creatures with the deck having a hard time coming back from a hard board wipe. The tide offers up benefits across the board that would otherwise be unavailable in a card like cyclonic rift... In spite of the flexibility of that card. I'm not too sure avout baleful strix yet. He doesn't outright benefit the deck or its central strategy, but obviously he's a superb card in the right color. Gotta run some more play tests to see if he stays. Thank you so much for your input!
Added Baleful Strix and moved Vanishment to the sideboard. Getting him out gives me another target for draw and presents the opponent with another threat, hopefully drawing some of their spot removal suite or counters for extraction. Land count is a little low for my tastes, but I'm gonna try it out none the less.
One of each? Or two up on extraction? Either way I'd say dump the charm and one goyf for a pair of extractions and make it a playset. Also, is metamorph in there for the searchability with tutor? I'm assuming that's the reason, and offer an alternative. Run dimir infiltrator since the bulk of your stuff is 2 cost and swap out the metamorphs for phantasmal images. Would make goyf searchable, justifying the drop to 2 and still allow you to run a copycat that was searchable while giving you greater searchability for your isochron's and your probes and all that jazz. Just a thought.
If you could find room to add them, would you?
What they really need to make is something with a similar effect to image that has flash. That would be something else.
Goyf and fire and ice possibly? Seems limited to me for a one of but maybe I'm missing some interaction where it's use is invaluable.
Could increase the chances of using that combo by bumping the numbers to 4 for each? And no problem. Love tweaking like this :)
One natural order one bolt or a goyf?
Aye. I tried to make sculler work in my affinity deck, but I couldn't justify the use of the mana for it when compared against Baleful strix and its interactions with top and another flying target for cranial plating. White and black makes some very interesting card combinations though. Very disruptive. Not my style, but cool all the same.
Ever thought of running phantasmal image for copying goyf and TNN? I've been using him in my deck lately as a general copy machine for most of the threats on the other side of the board and for teching more potential copies of important card in my own deck. Seems like it might make a fit in your deck as a possible 2 cost untargetable TNN so it circumvents the images issue with being removed through targeting.
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