4 Boxes and a Fat Pack... So there will be more entries for each color.
You might want to fine tune your lands/mana. Using my sliver deck (5 colors), I tend to notice that you can be mana tapped for the wrong ones you need. I'd suggest getting land that can be used for multiple colors or have your Gemhide's in the main deck (not sideboarded). Oh and if you're going to used the Sliver Overlord, don't forget to throw in an Amoeboid Changeling.
Here's my Red Haste deck. Ran it a few times and it's rather quick. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=42118
Birds fly, yes. Llanowar elves are just as good too... But I guess if I were to make an elf deck theme, I could use them. I just used the Birds to see how well they would fit in. Either way, I've been able to put out a lot of mana quickly (Overgrowth + Garruk), or get lucky with Elvish Piper.