Like this deck, haven't been able to pick up enough bloodghast's yet to use em myself but ya gotta love that card. never did like using Vampire Lacerators(Pulse Tracker always hits for one even if it is weaker and you can sac it after you attack and still get that one point of damage) but i can understand using em if your gonna kill em anyway. If as you said your restricted in how you may change it you might not be able to add in Perilous Myr (for another 2 dam when you kill it) or Moriok Replica.
Since this seems to all hinge on the Bloodthrone Vampire would Blade of the Bloodchief work in there somewhere could double up the power it gets as you sac. Works fine without it i know would just love to fling at someone for 50+ life sometime
Was beaten by something similar to this last week, you should add in some Spreading Seas so when you get Lord of Atlantis out all your merfolk can take advantage of the islandwalk
Seems like a fun idea to use against your mates in a casual game. Still new to the game so any constructive comments would be helpful.