i like zambie dicks
idk why i made this this is badness
thanks for making the deck
Could you create a werewolf tribal deck i just love your tribal decks there so awesome
Pharika, God of Affliction, i'm hoping that she'll be amazing
FEARIES!! i love it a cheap easy to use fun tribal fearies.
it seems really fun for starters
seems really fun
Help, maybe get into standard? i made it modern because bant isn't seeing a lot of play atm.
Looks pretty strong, I would probably just concede when she flips lol. Looks fun tho, i think i might try it out.
LOL, i was joking. anyways unplayable :P and yes thats the point of the 'Best Deck Ever' :D
why do you need lands?
i will add a few shocklands
ok ill add some experimit ones
the knight of kinsbane is good with other knights i would main board him.