Swamp two furystoke gaints for two flamekin harbinger.. this deck is also about elementals and getting the right types out at the right time during a game. Otherwise, couldnt fault any other card. I love it *goes to steal it*
Just a touch slow, if you could bring out a 3mana land destruction on turn 1/2 then all would be well.
Death barons, cemetary reapers, lord of the undead, zombie master, zombie warchief and finally zombie trailblazer < Use these guys as a core.. get a few Beseech the queens to bring out needed specific zombies and perhaps add a few helldozers or lim-dul necromancers for a bit of later game punch (if they last that long).
/bow This isnt a fairy deck.
A nice theme but you could be killed off quickly before your racks start raking in the damage..
Oh dear.. bitterblossoms will actually kill you as you have no life-link whatsoever.
I agree, run somthing beefy (7/7+) with shroud as there are too many easy ways to completely stop this deck. Also look to add a few cards like distomb to counter mass remove spells. I dont think there is a mass exile spell, so 4x tough shroud creature + distomb + most of this deck and your in for a win.
Because I mis-read the domain ability! One moment!
Sorry for the double (now triple post).. I tried to return and instead I tabbed onto 'add comment' somhow. My thoughts are that within the first few turns I can get a Nyxathid out as the 5-7-strong P/T creatures and in later turns (where I bring out Mythos) i'll be happy with a 3/3 for 3mana... But its a good point I hadnt really concidered before so its probably the most likely (along with clone) to be cropped for more useful creatures (suggestions please :P !).
One first, tother second. Pre-game and end-game.
Sideboarding the halo's does make sense. I prefer holding a knight & a land in my hand, wait for my opponent to catch up & when fly past by putting down two land. If ive already got 3-4 lands out, im not fussed about the extra land as I can play a good amount of the deck. Condemn looks good, nice & reactionary. Cheap & quick. Thanks for the feedback.
Thanks Azen, all good stuff. I would like to note, Im trying to field a standard-legal deck so this is why the deck may seem more than a little ineffecient. I would like to go down the road to discard damage-ness via the megrim/fruition/dreams type cards (Yes, I know this is contary to what you suggested but its what I wanna try). I shall focous purely on cheap blockers and utility creatures and the discard-damage theme & leave all this funky unblockable & mill-stuff behind. Although I do stand by the efficacy of playing from an opponents graveyard as it will be larger than your own hand fairly quickly and any good player can recognise a powerful card when it gets milled/discarded. As for the forced fruition.. if one underworld dreams is out then while a player could have access to a large amount of cards which may be the end of me before thier own end-step, each played spell will equate to 7 damage in terms of draw. All I need is somthing to shut down players ability to play spells or use land or perhaps the odd counter spell. Mind spring is too slow but it is the best for drawing 3+ cards at 5 mana (but hence the slow). Creatures.. *chop snip and sieve* Roger. Now.. do I modify this deck or do I make a new deck post? How does the forum/database work?
I choose mind funeral & memory plunder as a combo to let me play my opponents uber-spells. Most decks have a few & within the top quarter of the deck there will be atleast one. If I had a choice it would be to utilize the three enchantements forced fruition, megrim & underworld dreams along with draw/discard spells to win. My problem is; How do I force a player to draw more cards (beside forced fruition) because I think ive got a grasp on the varioys ways to make a play discard. Why is mind shatter bad? Whats wrong with 4/1 unblockables? 3mana 7/7's & the clone cards?
Asha's favour is a cheap creature buff. That realmrazor is nice but im not wholesomely scared (unless its a deck with mana creatures) & I can (like anyone else) oblivion ring Ajani. Why is wrath of god a sideboard item? I dont like the white/black mimic and as a stright comparison betweem that & the Knight, I'd go for the 2/2. Yeah, light from within is a card ive been concidering.. I still dont know why you'd suggest Path to Exile over pacifism? Ive got cards already to exile creatures, Pacifism is there to simply stop non-synergistic creatures nice & cheaply while. Im not getting offended, I actually appreciate your hard-to-read comments.
80 squirrels, 350 life and every squirrel had two seperate sources of shroud & were 2/4's. I lost, I lost hard. But I think he should take out the coat of arms & add in two more spidersilk armor cards - Problem with token cards are mass low-damage ping spells/abilities which this card protects well against.
I dont think I want to give my opponents extra land acceleration. I swapped in Pacfism for recumbent bliss.
21-38 of 38 items