hi, i would suggest removing master of waves seeing as you barely have a blue permanent besides him i dont think its doing that much
i would suggest reverent hunter (or something like that) he can get really big in a mono green deck for just 3 mana.
maybe you should try pegasus cavalry or something making humans attacking thro the air
i would probably recommend Devil's play might be a good adition ssince braid of fire will give alot of mana to play with
Maybe you could consider on the card Tree of Redemption....4 for a 0/13 which +- in that deck is 4 for a 13/13
sadly that idea doesnt work with banisher priest because you can't respond to the exile ability like fiend hunter...when you respond on banisher priest it will give the creature back unlike fiend hunter... i don't know how to explain better but doesn't work....but it is a nice idea
:) ty, this deck i made with few lands mostly because the point is for you draw the hexproof creatures and you don't need much mana for most things for this deck seeing as they all cost very little to cast between 1-3 i can see why trading the sphere for pacifism thank you for the suggestion
21-27 of 27 items