Though I might replace the Packleaders with Tuskcallers for the Elephant token generation. With xenograft i will be rocking an army of 6/6 elephant golems.
Very true. But with Xenograft, my splicers can become 5/5 Tramplers with Vigilance and flying and so would my 6 Myrs. Just claim them to all be golems. It is quite satisfying to fly over with tramplers that dont tap with all my army. Lastly I can bounce my Forced Worships back to my hand to switch from early game blocking to stopping later game big nasties. Cheaper here than any of the sponsored sites.
Nice deck. I am not so sure about Infiltration Lens. It says when it becomes blocked by which means that your opponent makes it block like the landfall ability on Turntimber Basilisk. I would put Primal Rage in there. All creatures get trample. Slightly on the expensive side but at 2 CMC and everyone gets trample, not a bad way to go. If you also look for pumping your creatures the Beastmaster Ascension is nice, especially if you can get quick creatures out like Runeclaw Bear and Timbermaw. Liege of the Tangle is my turn table card. Trample and though it is late in the game when you can drop him unless you have a high mana ramp, the ability is priceless. And with Primal Rage you have an army of 8/8 tramplers. This is my Green and Red Stompy. Red is to keep the board clean. Everything else is to destroy the opponent overwhelmingly. Maybe you can get some ideas.
4 Fireballs and 2 Pyromancer's Ascensions and 2 Forks. If done right at 4 mana, you can do 20 damage to 2 players (Unblockable with the layline) 18 damage to 4 players, or 16 damage to 9 players. so that is 40, 72, and 144 damage respectively.
Thanks Man. :) I will. I built this for my mom because she loves Elephants.