Please check out my new MTG blog:
A self mill deck centered around winning with Laboratory Maniac. This deck will be standard until October 2013, so enjoy using it for almost two years in standard. :D
Check out my newest Standard deck: B/R Vampires/Curses! Make it the new buzz of the town. Share it with all of your friends and I'll love you forever.
As I have stated in the comments, if your opponent is not playing a burn deck, and has little in the way of flying/reach blockers out (or even in their deck at all) you can swing with Insectile Abberation, Mindshrieker, and Mirror-Mad Phantasm to kill them.
EDIT 3/24/12: Replacing one Delver and one Runic Repetition for two Mindshrieker's based on a suggestion by pbrindley21. Also, replacing one island and one think twice with two more Shimmering Grotto's for flashbacks.
While I appreciate all suggestions and feedback, I have decided against putting any cards from the Scars block or M12 in this deck, as they will be rotated out of Standard in October, and I would like people to be able to use this deck in standard until late 2013. Please do not suggest any cards from Scars, Besieged, New Phyrexia, or M12 to be put in this deck. Also, I have a specific reason for having each spell in this deck which I can explain to you upon request. As such, I am unlikely to take out anything unless someone brings to my attention a card in Innistrad or Dark Ascension that I somehow missed. If Avacyn Restored has any better self-mill cards, I will update this deck after its release.
UPDATE 3/26/12 (Morning): Because everyone won't shut up about it, I put hexproof equips and counters into the sideboard. This way, you can simply file in whatever you want off the side and I don't have to disrupt the main deck if they don't reprint something (other than Mask of Avacyn, obviously).
Thank you all for your likes and for helping me make front page! It means so much! :D
UPDATE 3/26/12 (Night): This deck is now one of the top mill decks on MTGVault, to my knowledge. If you find any mill decks (self-mill or opponent mill, anything tagged with the deck type "Mill") please link it to me in the comments, and I'll give you an e-cookie. Thanks, and thanks for making this deck so popular!
UPDATE 3/26/12 (Night, again): I found one mill deck with 281 likes, and one with 176 likes. Share this with your friends, everyone, and help me beat it! It looks like the 281 was made around exactly 1 year ago, and the 176 a year and a month ago, so let's see if I can get 282 likes in just a couple of weeks! I'd love you all forever if you could help me do that. :D
UPDATE 3/27/12: Due to suggestions from NDRue I have taken out two Mirror-Mad Phantasm's and put in two Mask's of Avacyn. Now please stop telling me to add in hexproof, for the love of god. The main deck for this (the sideboard is for your use, I don't personally use it) is for the Innistrad block. SO PLEASE STOP MAKING SUGGESTIONS FOR THE MAIN DECK THAT AREN'T FROM INNISTRAD OR DARK ASCENSION. Thank you. :D
Don't like self-mill, but like my deck-building style? Check out my brand new regular mill deck for Standard:
Or take a look at my other (less amazing, for the most part) decks on my profile:
UPDATE 3/29/12: 216 likes! :D Only 66 more until I have the most liked (to my knowledge) mill deck on MTGVault. You guys are awesome! Took out one Mystic Retrieval, one Memory's Journey, and one Increasing Confusion for 3 Dream Twist to help mill my/yourself faster.
UPDATE 4/2/12: 242 likes! Just 40 more guys, and I'm the top Mill Deck (to my knowledge) on MTGVault!!!
UPDATE 4/5/12: 271 likes! Just 11 more and I'm the top Mill Deck (to my knowledge) on MTGVault!!!! :D
UPDATE 4/7/12: 280 likes! Just 2 more until I'm the top Mill Deck (to my knowledge) on MTGVault!!!!! :DD
UPDATE 4/8/12: 283 likes! To my knowledge, I'm now the #1 mill deck on MTGVault! :D Thanks so much guys!