
99 Decks, 7 Comments, 0 Reputation

i have not had much time to test it or work out any kinks so any suggestions are welcome

Posted 06 December 2014 at 02:53 in reply to #521160 on Oloro gain life/drain life EDH


there i updated it

Posted 18 October 2014 at 17:29 in reply to #512137 on well now


first turn almost always win. also iso for infinite turns or tutor

Posted 18 October 2014 at 17:23 in reply to #512137 on well now


what i would do is instead of the okiba gang shinobi you should put in some Hagure the still wind . I would than take out 1 manriki and 1 lotus bloom and put in 2 sensai's divining top. i would take out the 4 swarmyard and put in 4 dimir aquaduct or terramorphic expance to make it so u can pull the lands you need. I dont wanna tell you how to make the deck but i think those few changes will make a huge difference in how the deck punches both long game and short game seeing as hagure allows you to pull more ninjas and the top allows you to order your deck so you don't get land screwed and than to allow for a better variaty of lands so u always have the color you need the multi lands or the land searching would allow you to never be short a color of your need

Posted 12 April 2012 at 17:33 as a comment on ninja deck


this deck has been played in tornament play back during the kamigawa deck and the only decks to give a challenge was "the rock" which was kiki jiki the mirror breaker and darkseel colossus. it is a nasty opponent.

Posted 27 August 2011 at 05:21 as a comment on Ninja with weapons
