Ok, I think I've got it tuned in now. This looks like a good final list unless anyone has any more minor tweak recommendations.
I added Sasaya, Orochi Ascendant so that, after an Aurora, I can hold back 7 lands, drop Sasaya for 3 mana, and immediately flip it. Now all the basics I just dropped with Aurora tap for lots more mana. Summer Bloom and the other similar cards were so that I could then drop whatever 7 lands I held back, though that's not as important once Sasaya is out. Cut Summer Bloom. Cut Elven Cache; I have plenty of those effects anyway. Temple Bell is just an extra way to draw a card for if/when I use something like Mystic Tutor to get Aurora to the top of my deck. The Bell, Mikokoro, and Jace all have the added effect of filling opponents hands up with more cards so that the next Aurora is more likely to finish them
Not trying to be defensive, if it came off that way. Also....Stomping Ground is already in there...
Added in some more ramp. I'm getting pretty close...
Ok, put in some various tutors to go find Aurora. I'm thinking maybe I need some more mana ramp, and I think I still need to make room for more lands as well. More cut options?
I don't need suggestions for which lands to run; I'm trying to keep it to as many basics as possible with as few nonbasics as possible, since I have so much basic land search. Just wanted some input on the basic land ratio. Typically I do even amounts, but the deck is almost exclusively green, with Omnath being the most important card that needs red. But by the time I have enough mana to cast him, I should have gotten off some land search spells, so I should easily have enough red mana by the time I need to cast him.
There is a lot of redundancy but that's because there is a very specific purpose to the deck. I want lots of ways to copy The Great Aurora as well as lots of ways to get it back. I think I need to put in some tutors for Aurora as well
Ok, I cut some of that stuff and a some other stuff. Got room for lands now. Thanks :)
I need ideas for about 20 cards to cut to make room for lands.
I need 7 more cards to cut. Suggestions? Also, any nonbasics that I should switch to basics? Lastly, should I run more forests than mountains or keep them even? There's almost no red in the deck.
Wouldn't it be better to try and add some draw? I wouldn't mind some suggestions there as well. Maybe Harmonize.
I think I need to cut some stuff to make room for a a few lands. Suggestions & reasons?
Also added some bounce lands for replaying lands.
Added some more various fetches as I remembered that they are awesome with a landfall strategy.
Hmmm...maybe I should toss in some lifelink equipment, since Omnath is gonna be spitting Lightning Bolts?
Thanks. Changed that out.
Well the thing I like about Gift of Immortality is that you get Krond back, and then he gets an enchantment back at end of turn, so his ability is still active. True, you lose all the other stuff on him, but that's ok. There are ways for me to get them back as well. Dragon Fangs would even hop right back on. I had Dragon Scales in here as well, but it's only +1/+2 and vigilance, which Krond already has, so it got cut for room. I see what you are saying about Venomous Fangs. I'll use that removal to fit in Ancestral Mask.
It was in there, but got cut. What do you think I should take out to fit it back in?
Switched Moonsilver Spear for Pearl Medallion
Good point about the Spear. Switch made. Also, I have both Brave the Sands AND High Ground in there already. I love cheap, efficient white enchantments. Reconnaissance is probably my favorite but I was pretty excited when I discovered Defensive Formation as well; though I've cooled a bit on it because I've realized it's not quite as versatile as I thought.
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