Bant Aggro

by raggedjoe on 01 March 2011

Main Deck (60 cards)

Sideboard (15 cards)

Enchantments (3)

Land (2)

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Deck Description

I've been playing around with decks in the new meta for extended, and Bant is looking nice. Here's a basic list

Deck Tags

  • Aggro

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 3,321 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for Bant Aggro

I really want to go standard bant, lol. But I don't really know what'd be my win condition,

Posted 01 March 2011 at 21:52


I think Mirran Crusader is the obvious choice, 2/2 double strike and pro-black pro-green for 3 mana? AWESOME! The downside is that you can't use two of the three main pump effects I use here; Elspeth and Exalted. Its an interesting idea though.

Secondary beaters could be Ezuri's Brigade (even in a no-metalcraft deck), or battlecry themed with Crusader, Paladin, and Hero

Posted 02 March 2011 at 14:45


I think frost titan would be a great beat stick, even a baneslayer. because the green is obviously going to be used for mana fixing, i.e. lotus cobras and such.

but mirran crusader is sooo good <3 in my boros, he wins games.

Posted 02 March 2011 at 15:26


He is amazing, isn't he? I've LOVING him with my 8 Exalted triggers :) The Titan is an interesting idea, but I think an aggro build would be better.

Posted 02 March 2011 at 16:17


Well I'm open for suggestions.
i was thinking 4 bop, 3 lotus cobra, 4 squad hawks, 2 stoneforge, 2 frost 2 primeval, 3 mirran crusader. matched up with 2 gideon, the 1 jtms I have, and 2 garruk. then just 24 land, 2 day 4 mana leak, 3 cultivate, 2 preordain. lol

but I'd love suggestions. :D

Posted 02 March 2011 at 18:03


Drop the Titans. Curving out at 4 in this deck is very important. The thing that makes this deck is that its a powerful aggro deck that can still put up counter spell mana. Bant charm is my best friend

Posted 05 March 2011 at 16:39


i decided to drop blue all together and just go green white aggro. uses gideon though, so I guess that's minor control, at least. :P

the decks on my profile if you'd like to check.

Posted 05 March 2011 at 20:00


wait, the stoneforges were useless without equip. Iunno, I need to give it some thought. But i realllly want to use gideon, lol.

Posted 02 March 2011 at 18:04


Hey raggedjoe, I was wondering if you could just check my g/w aggro deck? (my latest one)
I feel it's pretty solid and I'd love your opinion on it! :D

thanks, man

Posted 03 March 2011 at 18:45


Ok, I went through some intense testing and I LOVE THIS DECK! Powerful aggro, that can still put up counterspell magic is amazing. Still having difficulty with Fae and Scapeshift though.

8 ramp creatures: T2 KotR/Crusader is awesome.
Bant Charm: The 'I do everything' spell
Mirridan Crusader: This guy regularly swings for 10+ on turn 3. Yea, Exalted rocks.

Posted 05 March 2011 at 16:41


So I have been thinking about replacing one Sword with either a Basilisk Collar or Behemoth Sledge. I think the Collar would be very good in the mirror, while the Sledge might be good vs Fae. The only problem with the Sledge is it cannot be equipped to Mirran Crusader, so it might not be worth it. Ideas?

Posted 07 March 2011 at 06:01


basilisk collar... eh. I enjoy the card, but only as a sideboard option.
sure, it gives your creatures deathtouch/lifelink, but in an aggro deck, I find that a boost is better than the two abilities. plus it's only good in certain matchups. I always found myself siding it out, to be honest.

im not familiar on the other equip, but an equipment I love lately is bonehoard. 4 is a bit mana intensive, but it gives you a creature as it enters, and then it's only 2 to equip later on.
it only takes 4 creatures in the grave to put it to good use, and then every creature you kill with it, it raises it's attack.

thats just my 2 cents.

Posted 07 March 2011 at 14:54


Bonehord is very interesting, but I don't think this deck wants to be in the position where that kind of card is good :/ Stoneforge can always cheat it in for 1W remember :)

Posted 08 March 2011 at 14:46


you mean your deck doesn't want to be in the position where it destroys your opponents creatures for raw power? ;P

Posted 08 March 2011 at 20:15


No, I mean I have won by the time they have enough dudes in the GY for it to be worth the mana cost :D Since it costs 6, you don't wanna cast it if theree are <4 guys in the GY... I win by turn 7 usually.

Posted 08 March 2011 at 21:04


haha i understand that, but I'm not really an equip person, so I can't really offer much help.

Posted 09 March 2011 at 18:18


Like the deck, but I'm not sure about how I feel about the three linvala's in the sideboard. I know the format likes it some activated abilities, but three seems like it would be unnecessary.

And I think once rotation comes Grixis is going to be the shard to beat :P

Posted 09 March 2011 at 20:26


Linvala completely shuts down Naya, Jund, and Elves. To avoid breaking the curve, she replaces Elspeth. GRIXIS? Are you joking? basically thier entire deck rotates out.... The real deck to beat will be Tempered Steel. Check out the list I created. Most PTQ players haven't caught on yet, but just check out what I realized

Posted 09 March 2011 at 21:25


Oh, I'm not saying Linvala isn't awesome, I'm just saying that three seems a bit much.

And I just like Grixis best, because it's the shard I have the most experience piloting. I just see some neat tricks that happen in it.

Posted 09 March 2011 at 22:37


You should post your Grixis deck, I'd like to see it

Posted 11 March 2011 at 10:16


I'll try, but so far all I can remember from the list was that I had three pyroclasms to deal with faeries till rotaion...

Posted 12 March 2011 at 05:51


Wow. Thats a fail. How do you like the changes I made to this deck?

Posted 12 March 2011 at 18:45


Spot on as always man, I'm interested to know how this is going against Fae though. I've never really liked having to play the aggro portion of bant against them, so I did my little valakut deck, and even it's shaky when dealing with them...

One thing I'm not to sure about though, four stoneforge? I bring up Fauna Shaman/Buried Alive argument.

Posted 12 March 2011 at 20:14


My main tech against Fae is Deglamer, Sword of Feast and Famine, and Mirran. It's an ok matchup, not great, but my main beater has pro black which is a major plus.

Stoneforge may or may not be reduced, I'll have to test some more. The original version of this deck had 10 PtE/Mana Leak/Bant Charm, so getting the sword out was important to being able to drop threats and still have mana open for spells. Now that I have moved away from that, I'm unsure how useful she will be. I do like the additional 2 drop though, and am unsure what would replace her.

Posted 14 March 2011 at 06:04


Deglamer and Mirran Crusader are the bane of my existence right now(guess whose been working on extended faeries?)...

I always felt like stoneforge should be a three of, and I dunno if it'd work, but a singleton Fauna Shaman could make a nice piece of surprise tech.

Posted 14 March 2011 at 12:35


Ewww Fae...

Seriously, my main problem with Fae is its a well-established deck. Whats the fun if you don't to make shit up as you go along and still end up winning :) Not that there is no room for innovation... I'll let you in on a secrete... Fae wants to be in UBG right now. That's right, not UBW, UBG. I'll let you figure out why :)

Posted 14 March 2011 at 19:56


Because green is the magical equivalent of steroids? I've never liked UBW Fae, only reason to splash I can think of is stoneforge; making it fae-go. And that's probably not even as good as faygo!

UBG sounds interesting though, I'm going to have to look into the colour green it seems to find out what you're talking about...

Posted 15 March 2011 at 13:32


Why do you have the Murmuring Bosk in here? There's no reason for it, is there?

Posted 13 March 2011 at 19:03


Murmuring Blosk is amazing... It's one of the only extended legal lands that has a basic land type and produces multiple colors

Posted 13 March 2011 at 20:47


knight of the relequary and that thing that only lets people untap one guy for each untap step i cant remember the name of the card right now >.<

Posted 14 March 2011 at 22:11


In mytesting, KotR is actually not as good a choice as Rhox War Monk. Rhox can never be bolted, even turn 2, and lifeline is huge vs the growing popularity of Boros

Posted 15 March 2011 at 14:49


Finest Hour would be a house here. As would Hero of Bladehold.

Posted 15 March 2011 at 03:41


I've tested with and without finest hour and it really seems to be a win-more card. Hero is a great card, but this is not the deck for her. She needs a battlecry or WW deck, not a bant deck.

Posted 15 March 2011 at 14:51


I played against pretty much this same deck with finest hour. It guarantees a win, more so than Rafiq or War Monk.

Hero is downright broken with Finest Hour. Attack, Exalted, tokens, battlecry, repeat.

Posted 15 March 2011 at 19:15


What do you propose I remove?

Posted 15 March 2011 at 21:48


Rafiq, Ardent Plea, and War Monk have no real power anymore.

Posted 15 March 2011 at 22:18


Really? Any why do you think that? I've found the War Monk so usefull I cut KotR for him.

Posted 16 March 2011 at 15:35


You cut something that gets absolutely massive, that can speed you up for a 3/4 lifelinker? Wow... bad call.

Rafiq is slow and not worth it since the thing you really want to swing with already has doublestrike.

There's no good target for ardent plea in this deck. Best you could hope for is Noble or Stongeforge.

Posted 16 March 2011 at 21:12


I guess cutting Rafiq might make sense.

Rhox is better than KotR because in the games this deck loses, lifeline is huge. Rhox is much better vs Red or Boros than KotR is. I don't understand why Ardent Plea is bad still... Everry card in the deck is something I would like to see on the cascade, so your argument makes little sense. Thanks though.

Posted 20 March 2011 at 02:21


Ardent doesn't really net you anything here. You gain no real advantage hitting a Noble, and stoneforge isn't great after the first one.

Mirran Crusader should pretty much win Boros/RDW games by himself. The 3 life shouldn't really matter that much. if you only need him in 2 match ups find room in the board.

Posted 20 March 2011 at 04:30


Ardent Plea will (almost) always net me +2 Exalted. That is a big deal, especially if I am behind. It really does save games. Also, I am in no way garenteed a Mystic before Plea, so it will sometimes grab me my first Mystic.

You are right: if I have both Mystic and Mirran it doesnt help. But if that is the case I will win the game soon anyway. When I do NOT have an assured victory however, Ardent Plea does a great job of getting me back in the game.

Posted 20 March 2011 at 07:56
