Jund Charm is a very versatile card, good in most any situation. It does seem strange, but testing has shown it's great. Don't forget there are several GY-matters decks.
http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=306352 I think I've found the best use for Land Tax... I'll post it shortly.
Hahaha :) Why? It's not that great a card... I finished the Liliana's Jund deck by the way
What the heck does that mean? There are no restricted cards in Legacy
Terastodon is rather meh, as is Elesh. I'd trade them for another Iona and Jinn. I personally like Gristel better then Jinn, but its your choice. Also, this isn't a mono-black deck. PS: I finished that Liliana Jund deck I started a while ago. PPS: I'm back!
What makes you think BR Vamps weren't good? BR Vamps was one of the four top decks in the last standard, along with Caw-Blade, RUG Titan, and Valakut.
Ads were a major reason I quit. Peoe don't care about others decks and just want to advance their own.
Also, you have too many cards. Drop down to 60, it will improve your consistency.
Mystical Tutor is banned. Why not drop the Wishes and Shield Spheres for 4 Emmy, 3 Gristel, 2 Iona? I would also play Red over Green for Sneak Attack. I'd also drop the tutors for the 4th Brainstorm, Ponder, and a few Preordain.
Hahaha. Which of the two is more surprising?
Thanks for the comment! That sounds like a great idea, thanks!
Great criticism, but I play 3 Figures :P
SE is fun, but I don't like narrow cards in the main. I'm not really thrilled with Reaper, I'm currently testing Image instead, but its a solid card.
Thanks! (I think?)
I considered it, but I think straight aggro is the way to go. I got 8 ways to have 2 power for 1, an unblockable 2-drop, and two insane 3 drops, plus one OK one. The recursive strategy is solid, but slower than what I want to play.
Tokens? Or just control?
Damn your right! That cards crazy!
A 2/1 for B in T2 is always worth it. Reaper is the one I'm iffy on. Flesh is too expensive IMO, maybe play G's Messanger instead? Btw, this is a cool deck but it ain't a tempo deck
Just looks so dang slow. I would expect Aggro to be rampant and this doesn't look to good vs Aggro... Maybe cheaper dudes like Soul Sisters or Pridemages and less PWs?
Jace and laugh?
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