
28 Decks, 19 Comments, 0 Reputation

I've thought that same thing as well. I'm thinking of adding in another Darksteel Citadel, maybe another Forest or something. However, if I run any more than what I have now, I then have mana flooding issues... which, to some, is never an issue. With 3 Mystics, 4 Caryatids, 2 Prophets, 2 Nissa, 2 Nykthos, 3 Kiora, and 2 Sylvan Primordial fetching more lands... I usually never have mana problems when testing this deck.

Again, though... I have thought about adding more, just to be safe... but I don't really have any idea what to take out to add in two more lands. Any suggestions?

Posted 31 July 2014 at 21:49 in reply to #489477 on Chord of the Simic


I defend the Prophet for every UG deck. She essentially gives you an extra turn during your opponent's turn. Your turn, cast all those noncreatures (Like Jace, D-Sphere, etc), then untap during their turn, flash in creatures and/or Instant spells, then untap and continue on with noncreature, non-instant spells during your turn (Or cast them as well, if you need to). I love playing a Prophet at FNMs. It really upsets control players, it stops aggro decks, and when people realize you're pretty much taking their turn away from them, it's gg from there.

Posted 05 January 2014 at 07:51 in reply to #423705 on Simic Destruction


Seems really good! I really like that you've got Zegana in there. More card drawing to enable the combo. In your playtesting of the deck, has Prophet of Kruphix been valuable enough to mainboard? I have it sideboarded in my version of the trio:


I have Prophet in sideboard in case she turns out to be playable, along with the Sylvan Caryatid. I focused more on trying to preserve the combo and control the opponent, seeing as if my opponent gets rid of one of the three, it'll just ruin the fun.

As for what to sideboard out for the Spirals, that's a tough decision. My guess would be either the Omenspeakers or one of the Elvish Mystic and one of the Caryatid, but I doubt even those are good choices. Maybe two Fleecemace Lions?

Posted 27 September 2013 at 07:56 as a comment on Chimera Combo Antics - FINAL -


Simple: Blink. Blink them out to keep putting counters on the opponent's creatures. Also: Proliferate. Make Venser go up in Loyalty counters faster. Lastly: Metalcraft. Excellent way to keep that going. It actually works very well in this deck. I've managed to get rid of several small pesky creatures, and then blink it out again to put it on more.

Posted 15 May 2011 at 20:01 in reply to #161542 on U/W Venser Unblockable/Exile


I see that now. I thought Protection did apply, but apparently not, as I found out on the Forum. That's alright. Day of Judgment is still perfect to wipe the field if there are too much. If anything, I can still use Venser to blink at least one important thing out before I nuke the field.

Posted 15 May 2011 at 19:57 in reply to #161540 on U/W Venser Unblockable/Exile


Awesome. Cheap stuff, and the Red/Black analogous scheme helps integrate the three mechanics in one deck. You have nothing higher than 4 mana, and that's excellent. Definitely an excellent build.

Posted 03 April 2011 at 21:11 as a comment on Infect/Battle Cry


I know this is old, and the comments left are from last year... But... I have a mill deck that destroys graveyard abilities by exiling the graveyard. I can keep milling because nothing goes in the graveyard... it's just exiled. In my opinion, and after facing my Mill against others, the best solution to beating a Mill is exactly as the first comment says: Aggro deck. My mill stands no chance against those (And Leyline of Sanctity. Serious... You can just keep re-drawing your hand until you pull one of those, put it on the field, and the Mill deck is absolutely worthless.) Just putting it out there. Here's my Mill: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=168334
Hope this helps. ;)

Posted 03 April 2011 at 21:06 as a comment on Anti-milling standard need ideas


Alright, thanks! :) Will definitely consider it. My roommate has Grave Pact and willing to lend it to me for the Illusion deck. As for Bonehoard and Mortivore, I'll have to scrounge around online to get those on my own. But, yes, I will definitely consider those modifications.

Posted 03 April 2011 at 20:30 as a comment on Blue Illusion Deck


Could work... it does pump up the merfolk, but nothing pumps it. Additionally, I have no artifacts to really get Grand Architect to shine. Thanks, though! :)

Posted 03 April 2011 at 01:50 in reply to #149211 on Blue Merfolk Control


Ah, yes! Thanks! And, yes, most infect creatures do have very little toughness. I mostly use it to wipe the field before I lay down Nirkana Revenant and Nantuko Shade. It's nice against the bigger creatures, as I do not have a "destroy target creature" spell in this deck. (I wanted to work around both indestructible and regenerating creatures, and also go up against another black deck without the worry of "nonblack") Nonetheless, I will definitely consider Virulent Wound. Much, much better than Instill Infection. Corpse cur could be nice, but the aim is mainly the shades, and I don't have a lot of Infect creatures that give Corpse Cur much reason. However, Core Prowler would be a very excellent addition. Infect and to-the-graveyard proliferate would be a nice touch. Thanks! :)

Posted 03 April 2011 at 01:48 in reply to #149210 on Black Shade Infect


I couldn't agree more. I don't have Crypt Ripper, but my friend has a dozen of them. I'll borrow them from her and modify then. The obvious adjustment is getting rid of seven cards. In all honesty, the only other improvements I can think of is more Black Sun's Zentih, Skithirix, the Blight Dragon, Nirkana Revenant (Maybe just one more), and definitely more Nantuko Shades. If you know any other, please feel free to extrapolate. :)

Posted 03 April 2011 at 01:30 in reply to #149201 on Black Shade Infect


Ah, thanks! If you know the names of those creatures, that would be very helpful. I only know Zendikar all the way to now, a little of Alara, and just a minute amount in Lorwyn (One of my friends has a small amount of Lorwyn cards). Other than that, I'm lost. I can see Bonehoard's use in this deck. The constant death of the Illusion creatures just pumps it up. Nice! :)

Posted 02 April 2011 at 23:08 in reply to #149174 on Blue Illusion Deck


If only I knew what to cut out. :P There are a few cards I could see. There's Essence Feed, maybe both Corpsehatches, and perhaps the Heat Ray. I don't know. Do you have any idea what to cut out?

Posted 02 April 2011 at 22:59 in reply to #149173 on UBRG Spawnsire


Definitely will. Thanks! :)

Posted 02 April 2011 at 22:55 in reply to #149175 on Red/Green Allies


Pretty neat. Indeed, I can see what you mean. I don't have any Ravnica or Lorwyn cards, but I can definitely see some potential here. The black gives a nice edge to eliminate opponents creatures. As for the land, does it still do well, considering they all come in tapped (unless, for a few, you pay two life)? I figure tap lands might slow a deck down. But, if it works, it works, and that's enough. :)

Posted 02 April 2011 at 22:53 as a comment on Allies of Jund


:P Indeed it is.

Posted 02 April 2011 at 22:05 in reply to #149165 on Blue Artifact (Firin' Mah Lazor!)


Ah, thanks! When I can get my hands on more Mana Leaks, I'll do that. I figured making it 60 helps speed it along, but I am fine with it being 65 for now. Thanks, though! :)

Posted 02 April 2011 at 19:04 as a comment on Blue Merfolk Control
