your stopping yourself from using good cards by using bad cards. platinum angel, good, but not necessary in this deck. sturdy hatchling is a bad card. 4 mana for a 2/2, even if i can boost quillspike. i would consider some twinblade slashers, as they give you plays for the first 2 turns. consider putting in some llanowar elves or birds of paradise to mana boost. to maximize your finks and redcap, i would put in a some vampire aristocrats.(not shown on this site, but look up nantuko husk. it does the same thing only its not type 2.) i would take out garruk because by turn 4, the extra mana isn't going to help to much, and add 1-2 more liliana vess. they are great for getting your quillspike out of the deck when you don't draw it. take out the profane commands and max out the primal commands. they have many more uses than profane here. rite of consumption is a must have 4. it allows quillspike to get a turn 3 win combined with devoted quill and llanowar. i would get 4 twilight mires and replace the treetop villages with gilt-leaf palaces. and drop your total mana count to 22-24. you might also want to look into beseech the queen. it only costs 3 if you use all swamp and it lets you get a creature to your hand from your library. DOOOOOOMMMMM BLAAAAAAAADDEEEEEE!!!!!!! must have 4. ¿kill a non-black creature for only 2 mana? who wouldnt want them. you may want to give yourself 2 loxodons and only 3 cloaks, but that doesnt matter to much here. fog is another card you might want to look into but isnt necessary. prevents all damage dealt that turn for only 1 forest. again, another card that you might want to consider is elvish visionary. lets you draw a card when it comes into play. creakwood liege is the card you want if your looking for creatures from garruk. all black and green creatures get +1/+1 or +2/+2 depending on b or g or b/g and you get a 3/3 1/1 token every turn that is boosted to a 3/3. i know its impossible to get all these cards into one deck, so just mix and match. but use some that i suggested because your deck seems alittle to slow atm.
its better to make a quillspike deck that isnt devoted directly to winning on turn 3 but rather using more than just devoted druid/quillspike combo. check my quillspike deck out and you will know what i meen. ive won plenty of games without even seeing a quillspike or a devoted druid. a great combo is to mercy kill something that has persist, that way the creature still survives, you get abunch of tokens thanks to mercy killings affect, and you get one from flourishing defenses. secondly, add a whispersilk cloak to your deck. first try to pull off the attack and if they counter your cloak, they probably dont have enough to counter rite of consumption or mercykilling afterward.
radagast the brown ftw!
snakejake: i think your missing the point f devoted druid in this deck. its actually one of the best cards, because with it, you create a never ending combo where quillspike becomes as high as you want every turn. step 1: tap devoted druid for land step 2: untap devoted druid to put a -1/-1 ounter on him step 3: use the land you created to activate quillspikes ability and take the -1/-1 counter off of devoted druid. step 4: repeat until quillspike has enough power and toughness to use right of consumption to kill the enemy in one shot. or use whispersilk to attack them directly.
two words.....whispersilk cloak. make your quillspike unblockable and you win prettymuch instantly.
ah i see. you use evacuation and liliana to clear the board of all creatures and bring them to your side. when i first saw panoptic mirror, i pissed myself. it was to good to be true until i saw that it was banned in standard, which isnt all that bad since i dont go to tournaments much, but it still brings it down overall.
i would recommend using crystal quary, tap it and 5 of any mana to get 1 mana of each color. in combination with fist of suns it can be deadly. whats awesome about that is that even a suntouched myr can be a 5/5 with fist of suns/
having 4 energy chambers is so much better than just 2. they are the core of most sunburst decks as they can give counters to 99.5% of all of their creatures and they can recharge some of the already amazing cards such as pentad prism(which you should have atleast 3 of / they can be used to get a skyreach manta or another 5 cost out on turn 3.)