I dont really understand the doubling season or mana reflection. but everything else works nicely. Pariah + phytohydra seems almost unbeatable. but if i were you id take doubling season and mana reflection out. out. they're very high mana cost and the rest of the deck is very quick. I think maybe journey to nowhere would work better. youd have some creature control. also vines of the vastwood would give me some creature protection and when neccessary boost.
i dont get it. what does painters servant do for grindclock?
i would run dark ritual. itll help give you quick board control early game. and since these kinda decks snowball that first or second turn crusader or rats would help immensely.
I like it.
i made a similar deck. check it out. FYI invigorate will help immensely
I like it but i would take out some mana ramp considering you dont really seem to be running anything to expensive. I would take out the arbor elves and since you have so many 1 cost id put something alittle more beefy in there like Talara's Battalion.
because of all the kithkins you might think about running a door of destinies
NIce combo man
uuuum. one card in here to get 4 of would cost 80 dollars by itself. Budget? i think not
just wondering why darksteel axes. i understand its a one cost. but couldnt you run travelers gear?
i like the elvis spirit guards. i guess with that you can get a creature out first turn huh?
Thanks. the creatures are what ive been working on the most. mostly cutting out ichor rats because they run 2 black mana which i feel is the opposite of where i wanna go with this deck