No problem.
Magma Jet, Bolt of Keranos, Spite of Mogis are cards which fit the Knowledge and Power theme but not the lightning one. Don't let Theme overtake theme. Or in this case, kicking ass.
This reads as a who's who of the best red/black/blue cards. I think I've seen this with beta lands as a vintage deck... Anyway, good deck.
Conflagrate is super good for this, it makes great discard fodder and allows you to discard when in graveyard. Awesome card.Forbidden Alchemy is straight up good card filtering. Mystic Retrieval will get you your non-flashback cards if you have no snapcasterino.Fires of Undeath hits the same notes, only slightly out of place.Cackling Counterpart is a great mana sink for long haul games is basically extra snapcasteroos. Memories Journey helps if you accidentally too many or the wrong cards into the graveyard, and it only takes a touch of green to help along the dream. Might want to have a sideboard for if when you run into the super control W/U decks out there, add in something to decrease spell cost or simply have more counterspells.
A reliable bounce back to hand for the Pact is in order, unless you prime things just right to win. I could see a few things edging this out, but the idea is solid. Board vomits and control look like they really can lock you out, before you can hit your stride. Dark Deal is hit or miss, unless you cast it when they are at one card. But at that rate, it's still not handy as card filtering. Loxodon Smiter will kill you. And it might put out a combo or perfect hand, but it will draw them into more. Basic fetch lands to thin out the deck, or the expensive ones to ramp and thin out, are pretty much needed these days even if you're playing ONE color. Sadness.
No Treasure Cruise, it is le banned. Otherwise, that's a serious whoopin' bein' put on somebody.
Interesting take on not having the splintertwin.
Archive Trap is best when you give your opponent a way to search their deck for a card.
^^^ What they said.
Ey, ey, u wot m8?
I see almost three grand to win a card game... ;pNo really, I get it.
I'll say two things, the first is STORM and the second thing is... dun dun dun... the modern filter on the card search. I know I know, a little anti-climatic but really... Vintage would require you getting all the beta-lands... Not cheap at all. Ink would be SO much better if it said, all other available targets vs. just creatures. Imagine an Abrupt Decay destroying everything....
Maze tends to work better in Commander, so many more cards to work with. But that's a really good build, very slim and sleek. I know there's a lot of fine tuning to that deck that can be done, but it's all in cards that could be one or two ofs that 'boost' it along in replacement of the planeswalkers. Not sure that you should. Explore, Oracle of Mul Daya, Journey of Discovery, and pretty much more blue 2 or less scry cards.
It's just called 5-color good stuff.
This is an interesting concept.
Yes indeed. Except it's all creatures 'n' stuff, plus there's unearth if your creatures die.
Sort of? Do you know how modern storm decks work? That's more or less how it works.
I'm bad at explaining, but it's use an ability to add mana to the stack, then change the color and/or use it to add even more mana by casting a producing spell. Then using that mana cast creatures. Hopefully to do this you've cycled many creatures into the grave, so you can pop them back those pesky return from graveyard spells. And work on from there.
You are quite welcome.
I love this, except for blood moon which is a bane on good deck building, I really do. Control with out creatures, perfect. Jace's sanctum allows card filtering and lowers the cost of instants and sorceries. Arcane melee is straight up fun, while reducing the costs of instants and sorceries.
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