
34 Decks, 2 Comments, 1 Reputation

Looking to get the deck down to 60, I would take out rooftop storm(you have tons of mana, and it's usually for an infinite combo), 1 endless ranks of the dead (if they are all you draw, you have nothing to get ball rolling), and either door of destinies or call of the kindred, since they conflict with each other pretty badly. Down to 61 you could take out 1 grimoire of the dead, because 2 at the same time would be useless, and you could Tutor for it if you want. Hope this helps

Posted 18 January 2013 at 09:46 as a comment on Zombie Deck B/U


Hi, I can see where you're going with your deck, and I like it, but a possible issue I see with your deck is that, depending on the hand, you could a: have your starting hand all depend on stuff being in your graveyard already (unbreathing horde, etc.) b: you have conflicting mechanics with skaab ruinator and havenguul runebinder on one side, and all the graveyard revival on the other, also it would suck casting a skaab ruinator then drawing an unbreathing horde. I do like the instant infinity life loss with grimgrin, gravecrawler, diregraf captain, and rooftop storm;although it could be tough to pull off, especially with only 2 diregraf captains, which I suggest more of. I actually have a very similar deck if you want to check it out. It seems to be missing something so I've been experimenting with it. I recently took out skaab ruinator in favor of spectral flight, but I haven't played a game where I drew spectral flight :/ hopefully what I said helps :)

Posted 14 January 2013 at 00:37 as a comment on zombie invasion
