The deck was originally 5 colors and I took our green to make it more streamlined. Removing green did wonders for the manna base, cutting down on the amount of triple-lands I had to play and increasing the amount of basics allowed me to consistently cast Path's and Terminates on turn 2 which sufficiently stopped early creatures long enough for an Infest to take control of the game. Adding any more triple lands is a bad idea. When you do that, then you're always drawing lands that come into play tapped and help you next turn when you might need the manna this turn. Unfortnently that rules out all of Dan's green suggestions. As far as the Wall of Reverences go, those were the final cards on the chopping block. I think I'm going to remove them for Kathari Remnants. I didn't want to play Volcanic Fallout's because of the presence of Vedalkin Outlanders. Besides, I feel that the -2/-2 of infest is simply better than 2 damage. To address pinemarten's point, this is a serious deck, not a budget deck. Expensive cards is a non-factor.