I might make this deck. It is pretty simple because most of the cards are from shards, but I still love it
You will probably want some rampant growths + Giant growths to keep up in the first two turns since most of your stuff are three-drops
Hellhole rats!
I'm pretty sure you don't even need black in this deck
Splash green for Sigil captain?
I think this deck is brilliant. Looks like it would have a tough time surviving in multi-player though.
Ha, wow, I can see how Knight of Reliquary can become quite powerful! I was a bit skeptical before, but now I really like this deck.
Very interesting. What is the win condition?
Noted, I scrapped him, thanks
I don't think so
I uh... what is going on here? Having a bunch of different cards makes it unpredictable, thus liable to winning solely on luck.
Looks to me like you are running on a budget. If you need help finding cards for your deck, take a look at my blue/red deck. I built it on a $20 budget (plus some random stuff I already had). http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=168315 Anyway, don't worry about not being to build a red/blue deck, they are pretty tough because it is tricky to balance a stable mana curve with combo-ing abilities/spells.
Use whatever that giant is that gets +4/+4 for each giant you control.
Spawning pit makes this pretty hilarious with threaten. I think you should add more of those.
Check your mana curve. It is heavily stacked on 2, so the best way to cut down on deck size would be first to get rid of some lands. Hope that helps