I've made a Myr deck (and proxied it) that seems to win a fair enough number of games. It's not standard legal of course, and my only friend who runs control decks doesn't play much anymore. The only problem control would cause would be preventing abilities or canceling everything (which has in fact been a nuisance), but with the right mana usage you can still stay safe. I have the deck posted on here, http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=101015
Good luck surviving long enough to do so, however. You're pretty much either going to get lucky and have two galvanizers in your hand to start with, a palladium myr, three mountains, and a fireball; or you're going to lose because you get way too much land and nothing to do with it. Oh, and if one dies, cross your fingers on getting another.
Hmm. Distortion strike was a good addition. As cool as the augury owl and conundrum sphinx pair looks, I'd be tempted to replace it with more reliable cards and/or defensive cards. Guard Gomazoa looks like a strong defender, especially if equipped with Echo Circlet, possibly Kraken Hatchling or Wall of Tanglecord. The good thing about Tanglecord is that it can also be tapped for mana/given +1/+1 if you have a Grand Architect out. Unless you run such defensive cards, Jace is going to be too slow and most likely not survive. Rather than Brittle Effigy I would go with some of the cards above. It's too bad Fabricate is no longer in standard, that would make this deck really powerful. What I would do (personal choices of course): -3 Jace -4 Augury Owl -3 Conundrum Sphinx -4 Brittle Effigy +3 Wall of Tanglecord +4 Guard Gomazoa +1 Distortion Strike +2 Inexorable Tide then either +4 Thrummingbird or +3 Thrummingbird and +1 Sphinx-Bone Wand. That would be my choice, I think. This way you can actually defend yourself, I think I would prefer to add a Sphinx-Bone wand in order to increase the odds of getting it (since this is the apparent win condition. Relying on Jace for mill is rather slow and very unlikely) How does that sound?
I just don't see it being fast enough to survive. Your odds of getting damage through with your creatures not being unblockable seems fairly low unless you unsummon everything they have every time you attack, and you'll be completely open to attack from anything that makes it on to the field uncountered or not unsummoned. Doesn't seem like it will last long enough against even a moderately-paced deck. With the amount of card draw you would have if your creatures did hit, I think you could stand to replace some lands with other cards.
Wasn't the original basis of the deck. Note the sideboard. I could figure out a way to put them in, after replacing several other cards. Probably Might of the Masses and Overwhelming Stampede. Not sure whether putting 4 of each in would be worth it. To work, I'd pretty much have to kill my own Lord of Extinction with a Putrefy. It would probably take a while to get a Coat of Arms, Lord of Extinction, Putrefy, and then Morbid Bloom all in order.
I thought you couldn't just unqeuip equipment, but had to instead equip it onto another creature. This would mean that turn 3 is the earliest you could begin the combo, not turn 2
From the looks of it, you're probably going to be hurting for black mana when you need it. As well, the odds of you getting Liliana's Caress are relatively low, Painful Quandary is expensive, but if you make them discard enough Nihil Stones will do a nice number on them. Personally I would run swamps instead of Mazes.