try out a couple Unsummon to remove those nasty 1 converted mana cost creatures from getting out.
Kalastria would be great for this deck, but I would only add her if you were to go up against a deck that benefits from killing your creatures also. She isn't very useful when the only creature u should be sacrificing to the graveyard is a Zombie. (reassembling Skeleton).
Your guys idea's are great and those cards would be perfect for certain situations (so i'll add them to the sideboard), like if you are against a faster deck then u will need bloodghasts early play. Or if you are against another sac/creature elimination deck then Kalastria Highborn would be helpful (and some disentomb to bring your vampires back).
The only reason I use those non basic lands, just for the small life gain early game, just in case you draw a hand with one of them as a land, and you can't pop out a 1 converted mana cost spell on first turn. U can drop one of them for an extra point of life. The only thing u would use them for is for black mana. On top of that they are protected from target basic land spells. So you don't get so easily deprived from mana destruction decks. Bloodghast is a great card, but I find only for is you are building a deck based around reducing ur opponent to 10, with small slits like in a Sorin Markov deck. With this deck where your goal is to buff up one creature by sending 1 skeleton the graveyard or remove your enemies creatures from the field, your planning to just wipe your opponent in one hit. (adding a Anowan, the Ruin Sage, Drana, Kalastria Bloodchief, or Kaltias Bloodchief of Ghet would be great additions to this deck, that I use (right now my version of this deck is an 80 card deck))