Couple suggestions... Myr turbine, and Palladium Myr, use the Palladium Myr to replace the Ichorclaw Myr because its the only card you have with infect. It's not really necessary... The Palladium Myr will give you an easier time with mana and its more myr for the battlesphere. The Turbine will help get more Myr out as well... You should also look into Tezzeret the Seeker, he's an awesome artifact planeswalker that could do a lot more for you than Elspeth.
YAY EDH... lol. Now will you help me with my Geist of Saint Traft edh deck so we can battle? I've got a few decks posted up and Im gonna start my list here soon for either an edh deck or a blue/white deck so I can use him...