Speedy Goblins

by pyroklepto on 04 September 2011

Main Deck (57 cards)

Sideboard (3 cards)

Creatures (1)

Sorceries (2)

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Deck Description

Thank you so much for getting this deck to the front page everyone!

I wanted this deck to be quick hitting at the start, tunnelers to get warren instigator through, and dragon/commander/fire marshal to finish off the game. I should mention that when I play with this deck, the game is really divided into 2 halves: first 10 damage which is blatant attacking, and the second 10 damage which is carefully calculated to just push me over the edge. Please comment, I don't have too much experience building decks!

There are a few cards I would like to work into this deck: Goblin Matron, Dragon Fodder, and Rite of Flame (if I can find a playset). Goblin Ringleader has been too expensive for me in the past, but maybe he has a place too. I currently have 3 cards missing, which I will try to fill with either Rite of Flame or more Arc Trail.

Deck Tags

  • Aggro

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 24,868 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Not Legal in Modern
  • Not Legal in Vintage
  • Not Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for Speedy Goblins

cornbread_88 has deleted this comment.

Posted 04 September 2011 at 07:06


whoa whoa whoa... No goblin grenade?

Posted 04 September 2011 at 10:26


replace Goblin Sharpshooter with Goblin Fireslinger; its the same thing but 2 less mana and it untaps like normal.

Add Emberwilde Augur and Goblin Grenade.

Posted 04 September 2011 at 10:42


I much prefer Sharpshooter because it untaps every time I kill a creature, which is the only time I use it in the first place. As well, the basilisk collar makes a really good combo with it, because all damage is lethal so I can completely wipe the board of my opponent's creatures.
I don't use Emberwilde because I can only sacrifice him during my upkeep, which I find very restricting. Yes this is an aggro deck, but I like being able to respond as well as press forward.
As to the Goblin Grenade I have found Goblin War Strike to work better for me because both are sorcerys, but War Strike costs 1 less and doesn't force me to sacrifice a goblin. Warchief, Wardriver, and Chieftain are pumping up those cheap little goblins, and I would rather save them for up front attacking. There really aren't any goblins in this deck that I would like to sacrifice.

Posted 04 September 2011 at 14:07


DAMN! I didnt see the Sharpshooter Deathtouch combo....I really like it

Posted 04 September 2011 at 14:18


Way back when we use to run Goblin Lackeys that's one of the best goblin's i have ever seen. Also Goblin grenade that's also really good for goblin deck. So can't help much more not to big into goblins.

Posted 04 September 2011 at 21:26


Yeah it definitely is but part of this deck was to get away from The Big Three Goblins: Lackey, Welder, and Piledriver, because each one is just very expensive and frankly not quite as fun. Thanks for the input!

Posted 04 September 2011 at 21:45


No problem, that's what our goblins consisted of quick win, and it still is expensive lol

Posted 04 September 2011 at 21:49


You could consider slipping in a Voracious dragon or two just to get that extra win condition going for you (unless you are playing under some specific set of rules) otherwise, I really like this deck, and would like to see if i could beat it with my black -red goblins tribal deck.

Posted 04 September 2011 at 21:47


Hmmm good idea I like that. Not sure whether I would prefer to drop razerunners or goon....

Posted 04 September 2011 at 22:31


Decided to ditch the goblin goon.

Posted 04 September 2011 at 22:55


Voracious dragon isn't really the best choice here. Sacrificing half of your field to the dragon to try to win the game next turn sets you up for an easy X for 1 with any piece of targeted removal.

Posted 10 September 2011 at 21:26


Captinfluffy you aren't understanding the point of the dragon. Since the earliest I would play him is turn 5, I have 4 turns beforehand to deal damage. The base goal would be to deal 10 damage in those 4 turns, have at least 5 goblins outs, and on turn 5 drop the dragon, devour 5 goblins, and as a result of the dragons triggered ability deal 10 damage directly to my opponent, taking him to 0 life.

Posted 11 September 2011 at 01:13


zaserith has deleted this comment.

Posted 04 September 2011 at 21:49


Looks kind of nice. I myself tend to get either two or four of each card so to me this looks a bit strange with these one or three same cards... But yeah sure, why wouldn't it work!

I also replied on your comment on my deck. Go ahead and have a look at my other decks also.

Posted 04 September 2011 at 23:08


I used to be like that, but I have found more and more often that certain cards are too common if I run 4, and not frequent enough if I run 2, so 3 if the perfect number. The singletons are there because I don't need any more than one of them; they are there to finish the job or add an interesting twist to the game. It's all about playing style and comfort I suppose

Posted 05 September 2011 at 01:23


This looks well thought out. The cards seem to support each other well.

Posted 05 September 2011 at 02:21


Nice deck, is there enough removal in here? Maybe the Tunnelers and Sharpshooters do a better job than I realize. Other than upping the Lightning Bolt count to 3, consider switching a Warchief for another Chieftain. Also, how good is Goblin Razerunner? I've never used him in a deck before.

Check out my legacy Goblin deck: Deck link: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=214301

Posted 05 September 2011 at 06:19


Tunnelers are really there to get Instigator through. Sharpshooter + Collar is instant board clearing, and even with only one of them on the field I find few problems. Probably won't add a lightning bolt, but I will try the warchief for chieftain. Cheaper goblins are nice but Warren Instigator does a really good job of getting them onto the field for me anyway. Razerunner is hit and miss for me. Sometimes it will give me the extra 3-4 damage I need to win, and when that happens it is fun, but sometimes it is just...there. I do think I will replace him with another Dragon.

Posted 05 September 2011 at 07:14


TurZ has deleted this comment.

Posted 06 September 2011 at 03:09


it seems like alot of fun can be had with this design. i actualy have a goblin deck that uses the dragon as the main win condition. i can keep my oppenent at bay and build my army up then just drop the dragon for an amazing amount of damage. very fun when u see their face. anyways, i would say for ur deck it would need some play testing before u just add him in.

Posted 06 September 2011 at 03:56


Yeah that is what I aim to get from all my decks. MTG is a hobby, the purpose is to always have fun not always win. That is exactly how I hope the dragon will work in my deck, and I will test it out.

Posted 06 September 2011 at 07:09


It seems weird you mention not using Welder... No aggro deck uses welder! The big three in Gobbos are Lackey, Pile Driver, and Matron IMO.

I would ditch the fetchlands.., no reason for them. Gempalm Incinerator is pretty sweet. I think you should reconsider Grenade... You would save it until it's lethal, not use it right away! I have found Grenade often let's you win a turn earlier than you would have otherwise

Posted 06 September 2011 at 07:07


I simply meant that I had no intention of using the 3 most expensive goblins in this deck - I agree that welder would make no sense here.
I have the fetchlands because I read about them thinning out plain mana in the library so card draw is more helpful - I can survive on 4 mana and any more than 6 would be excessive. I really like Gempalm and Goblin Ringleader as well, but I think Browbeat and the fetchlands do enough for card advantage and it adds in the 5 damage effect as well (the lesser of two evils?) I can always make changes I suppose, but I'm not sure what I would replace.

Posted 06 September 2011 at 07:13


Speaking as a math major, I decided to sit down and run the numbers. On average you are trading 3 life for one card across a little over 7 turns. Note that 7 is the median number of turns before you 'gain' a card. You are as likely to gain it on turn 6 as on turn 8. These numbers are on the draw, so if you're on the play you got to add one.

Basically, it doesn't make sense in any aggro deck. If you reach turn 7-8, your in trouble

Posted 06 September 2011 at 07:37


Huh that's interesting. So you say that I should drop all the fetchlands and simply replace them with mountains? Would it be worthwhile to add in more teetering peaks or smoldering spires? Or some other kind of special mountain?

Posted 06 September 2011 at 07:40


Valakut is a good land for the late game, where, as Joe said, you're in trouble, but it does add to the total damage.

Posted 06 September 2011 at 08:11


Right now I'm thinking Goblin Burrows, Tectonic Edge, and the cycling red land. Any ideas on how to balance those with mountains, Smoldering Spires and Teetering Peaks for the 20 land?

Posted 06 September 2011 at 08:50


I think Valakut would be the better land. Don't use Tec Edge, replace them with mountains, and use one Valakut over 1 Burrows.

Posted 06 September 2011 at 19:31


Remove basilisk Collar, Goblin Sharpshooter and Voracious Dragon. Put 4 Goblin Grenade and 4 Goblin Arsonist in the deck. Thats a 6 extra damage packing for 2 red mana. Seems nice in my opinion

Posted 06 September 2011 at 07:57


I used that combo when I originally made this deck, but I decided that it was too inconsistent. That, and it leaves me with few cards in hand. I'll trade 8+ damage from one card (dragon) at 5 cmc for 12 damage from 4 cards at 4 cmc. The collar and sharpshooter add flavor to the deck for me, so I like them there.

Posted 06 September 2011 at 08:09


Congrats on the front page man! Again, I highly recommend Gempalm, perhaps you could swap out the Wardrivers for them. Also, I use straight Mountains in my goblin deck because I need my lands untapped in order for the mana curve to function correctly. Just a thought. :)

Posted 07 September 2011 at 00:05


I think I will have to experiment with that, because the wardrivers and chieftains are the only things really powering up my gobbos. I would like to throw in gempalms but am not sure what else I would take out. I can understand your use of straight mountains. I run the 4 goblin burrows because they come in able to tap and later game I can use them to pump for another 2 damage. The teetering peaks I keep because I want to pump goblin guide or warren instigator early. Nothing says surprise like starting the game at 75% health, and then being pummeled into oblivion by cruel little green things.

Posted 07 September 2011 at 04:40


Some more advice here man, run a few Pyroblast in the sideboard. I got beaten at FNM because of a Merfolk deck that ran Chill, if I had the Pyroblasts it would've given me first overall. Just a thought, this might only apply to my meta.

Posted 08 September 2011 at 00:31


nice deck i would run some goblen garnades

Posted 07 September 2011 at 00:30


I don't really like browbeat. If I were you I'd put in Dragon Fodder just because it's cheap and they're getting buffed up by your other goblins, plus helping out Voracious dragon later. Coat of Arms or Door of Destinies works really well in decks like this too.

Posted 07 September 2011 at 02:38


Sosumi has deleted this comment.

Posted 07 September 2011 at 14:41


Imho browbeat is a must. I've run out of cards in my hand too often after a few turns.

You should definitely try out the grenade. Five damage to your opponent on your second main phase after combat.

Final fortune can also be deadly - or not. Once had two in my decks, sometimes useful on later turns.

Posted 07 September 2011 at 14:46


Goblins goblins goblins!

I agree with everyone saying Goblin Grenade. My friend used to play a (shitty) Goblin deck, but the thing that always kept me on my toes was the Grenade. It's hard to beat throwing a way a crappy 1/1 creature for 5 damage in your opponent's face!

I don't know how your mana speed is working out, but I'm always a fan of mana acceleration. I don't know about the more expensive ones (like Seething Song), but Rite of Flame is a great card. This little bump could mean more Goblins out on the board, stacking and smashing!

I think Goblin Recruiter could be pretty good. It's way better than Goblin Matron!

I am not much of a red player, but I hope this helped! Cool deck, regardless!

Posted 07 September 2011 at 23:08


i like it man sounds like a good deck! a little expensive lol but i like it!

Posted 08 September 2011 at 00:36


Nice deck. Please check and comment mine U/R ;)


Posted 08 September 2011 at 10:40


i'm a fan of goblin war strike. By the time the grenade will make a difference, war stike could possibly be dealing double the damage without the sacrifice.

Posted 08 September 2011 at 11:19


A little more input from me. Please stop suggesting Goblin Grenade, I am aware that it is a good card in Standard and Modern, but it doesn't serve my purposes as well as Goblin War Strike so I will not be including it. I am looking for one card to drop so I can add in a Goblin Recruiter for Vintage play.

My big question right now is Lightning Bolt vs Arc Trail. I think I will have to test them out in comparison, but if anyone else has a similar deck I would love input on which one they find more helpful. I'm tempted to think that Arc Trail is better because I can clear pesky blockers, but I already have 6 cards devoted to boardclearing (Sharpshoot Deathtouch combo). Lightning Bolt will be able to clear creatures with 1 more toughness, and hits a little harder if I just want it as a utility to do direct damage.

I am also not sure whether I want to run Voracious Dragon and Fire Marshal. They are both heavy finisher cards. Voracious Dragon gives me more versatility in that I can finish someone off for 5 or I can finish someone off for 12 (even 14 in ideal situations). But I would rely on having at least 3 goblin on the field to do so. Fire Marshal will always require 5 goblins and always finish for 10, but it will cost less with Goblin Warchief out, or I could place it down directly with Warren Instigator. I'm really torn for which one I should use as my finisher, but I don't think I should be using both.

Finally, I like the comment about mana curve. I love Teetering Peaks and Smoldering Spires for the rare opportunity that they are really helpful and a kick in the face, but I wonder if that off-chance is worth the disruption in my mana flow. Since I think I can survive on 4 mana, I am inclined to believe that I could drop those lands and run 2 less for a total of 14 mountains and 4 goblin burrows. Mana is my real weakness, so any input to that would be great! Thanks everyone!

Posted 09 September 2011 at 05:23


ok soooo my personal opppion is that the dragon is better than marshal. he can be more versatile as u said and most of the time ppl see that marshal and its blown up asap. if anything i would move the marshal to the sb just to keep it around. u could make ur mana curve like u r suggesting, i would suggest even droping at least one burrow making it a total of 15 mana. might run a lil better for u. hope my imput helps ya.

Posted 09 September 2011 at 16:23


Makuba has deleted this comment.

Posted 13 September 2011 at 07:12


I like this goblin deck, looks really good my friend has a goblin deck too. But I just started playing mtg and i wanted a tribe deck too so can you also look at my saproling deck? If you could comment with tips that would be really nice!

Link: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=232682


Posted 13 September 2011 at 07:16


I like this deck a lot. Not your typical get-lots-of-goblins-out-and-hope-for-the-best deck. Voracious Dragon is a really nice win condition to have. I like the Goblin Sharpshooter/Basilisk Collar combo even more... I REALLY wish I had some Sharpshooters for my own goblin deck, but unfortunately I don't. But definitely my favorite card in here, and the one I want the most, is Goblin Strike. That's a fantastic card, and in my opinion it's one of your most solid game-enders when paired with the dragon, or after simply doing some early damage. Overall, very nice.

Posted 26 September 2011 at 18:31


There are a few cards in here that I would change but looks like a great deck. I m a big fan of using goblin tokens like Siege-Gang Commander does.

Posted 12 January 2013 at 23:42
