
7 Decks, 8 Comments, 0 Reputation

Does no one remember Infinite Reflection?

Posted 29 January 2013 at 18:07 as a comment on Biovisonary win!!!!


i have a similar deck however mine is G/U and conisits of a slightly different spell base that i find really helps protect the few creatures that i put out in a game and conisitantly lets me win by turn 4! i use blighted agents instead of stingers as unblockable is just better then flying. the blue lets you run ponder and probes which is huge card advantage and lets you se the oppenents hand to know what u need to hold or play first to make sure your creatures stay alive. also you should ALWAYS run apostiles blessin it makes the nexus and the glistener elf unblockable to what ever color cresture they have including arifact creatures and protects from kil cards. i also run spellskite as they are super cheap and very effective at kiting your oponents kill spells off your attacking creatures which is nice if they decide not to block then after try to kill your glistener. cause they target it with a spell ( +3+3) then u move it onto the skite win win!! also rangers guiles are a must its +4+4 with a defiance and now cant be touched once it resolves. i have played my G/U infect at 2 friday njight magics now and killed the shit outa every thing without even having to side. any how here is the link feel free to check it out.

Posted 07 June 2012 at 00:05 as a comment on Standard is over!


you need to add cartographers as when you cycle you can remove them and when they come back get back cycle lands like secluded steepe super effective

Posted 09 May 2012 at 17:21 as a comment on Astral Slide


i think you should run at least 2 closets for the end step flicker for either ur snapcaster tyrant, invaderparasite, ect. would give you more control it is a bit more pricey but if you are running green i would cut the bonfire and put a little ramp to get your combos out faster like a rampant growth or something.

Posted 04 May 2012 at 19:38 as a comment on reLANDimator (standard)
