As always, this is for my multiplayer group of veterans. We mostly play Pentagram and 2v2 games. We never play free-for-all. Cards in the sideboard are cards I consider adding.
SO, this is a mean one once it gets rolling it won't stop and can recover quickly after board sweepers. MANY interlocking synergies.
The main idea is to get Death Render into play via either Godo or Stonehewer Giant (since that's 8 cards that tutor for Render, I run only 3 copies, even though the deck is basing on Render). Death Render is such an amazing equipment, I don't understand why nobody ever plays it! Once in play and equipped it will play creatures from your hand for free. This can get out of hands fast - note that Godo for examploe is a legend, so it kills itself when you Render a second into play, then you get another equipment and can play another creature for free etc. There are some other equipments to fetch for and creatures to help getting back lost cards. Basically once you hit about 6 mana you can fetch, recycle and replay about all your stuff again and again. Read the How to Play section for a complete rundown.
The problem obviously is to get to that point. I added a few smaller creatures (mostly red ones to maximize Godo's Maul), Sol Ring, a Boros Signet and a Seething Song but that's hardly enough. BTW, THE LAND MIX IS ABOUT TO CHANGE, you don't need to comment on that, it's just that I am running out of duals and have to check what is left. One card that would get things rolling is Stoneforge Mystic, however, I don't own any and I won't buy them just for this deck (they are about 25$ already) SO DON'T SUGGEST STONEFORGE MYSTIC! Apart from that, feel free to suggest anything, chances aren't that bad that I have it rotting in my binders somewhere.
Try to get Death Render into play asap because it helps getting your creatures into play. Any acceleration should therefore be used to cast Godo because he can fetch any equipment. On Godo himself:
First fetch should be Render, from there go by situation. Note that I included may other red legens to maximize Godo's Maul. His second ability isn't that important but it can be a killer later on when you accumulated a bunch of equipments.
Such a powerful card. Note that it not only fetches but also equips for free and that you can equip it to other creatures as well. Even better, they have vigiliance - so you can actually attack, then use the ability to fetch, play and equip something to the attacking giant!
The neat thing about this guy is that with Death Render, you can play him for free and then for just one mana, popping him again, clearing the board and providing you with another creature from your hand (at least that's what I think will happen - sacrificing him is a cost, so the Deathrender trigger should go on the stack first, then the Colossus effect, so the 6 damage resolve first and then you get another creature into play attached to Deathrender).
BRINGER (white), REYA:
Obviously, gets you back equipments respectively creatures that have been lost. Each turn. Circumvent their casting cost via Deathrender.
One of the few cards added as finishers that will most likely only ever be played via Deathrender. Could be Emrakul or Progenitus, but that's just not my style.
Added him as a solution to artifacts without wasting card slots on strict removal spells, he is a finisher, too.
All four of them have been added to have some "early" blockers but all four of them are still of great use later in the game. They are also prime targets for Sun Titan and most can make good use of Godo's Maul. Actually, Squee or Tuk-Tuk charging an opponent swinging Godo's Maul is one of things I just WANT to see happen in a game :)
Seems out of place at first glance until you realize that Godo is also a barbarian. You can play Lovisa one turn earlier than Godo. So when the bug bad samurai hits play, he is beefed up and gets haste, nice!
Yet, this is probably the first card to go if I have to make room for adjustments (see Urabrask).
There aren that many targets for it, however, some of them will be fetched (like Godo's Maul) and all of them are pretty useful. Sun Titan, Reya, Scaredrone, Bringer, Deathrender, Stonehewer, Godo - these fetch, cast and revive each other, making the deck very resilient.
In fact the only thing that is missing is a sacrifice outlet so I can start such a chain on demand. I had Greater Gargadon in my initial draft which can either be put into play via Deathrender as a reasonably sized fatty or suspended which then allows me to sacrifice permanents at any time.
Like Hoardsmelter I tried to save card slots and added Tangarth as creature removal. He also enjoys to swing Godo's Maul^^
Another way to give my creatures haste, turning Deathrender into a truly deadly weapon. May be better than Lovisa.
One of the best removal spells ever printed for red/white in multiplayer. Especially in a deck like this that doesn't have much room for spells.
Mainly there for the lifelink since I don't have any other form of lifegain, but also to help me survive the early game, does well with the smaller creatures I have.
Another finisher, in this case in the form of an equipment. Just hope you don't draw it - 7 mana is quite a price. But you have 8 cards that fetch it and play it for free and the equip cost is just one. Especially nice on Stonehewer Giant - you can still activate his ability AFTER the opponent decided on blockers. That basically means your opponent cannot afford to not block him ...
Mainly there to protect Godo and Stonehewer. Again, remember Stonehewer can fetch it after the opponent declared blockers.
Can literally be a godsend against certain creatures. It doesn't care for protection, indestructability, hexproof or other fancy stuff.
Nice package for few mana if placed on the right creatures. Only one copy because you can fetch it. Can be retrieved by Sun Titan. Works wonders on Tangarth.
You should know what these can do. Mainly there to make Godo GO. However, I am still struggling if these should be Lightning Greaves instead, that zero equip cost can make all the difference for Godo. On the other hand hexproof is much better than shroud in a deck with so many quipments.
I happen to own a single one from ye olde days, so it should be in here, given the number of legends I am running. Especially nice on Godo to abuse his CIP effect again.