Curse you!

by Puschkin on 20 April 2017

Main Deck (34 cards)

Sideboard (3 cards)

Sorceries (1)


Enchantments (2)

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Deck Description

Still in brainstorming phase. Wanted to make a curse deck basing on Curse of Misfortunes. Deck should play like this: Get Curse of Misfortunes on your opponent and fetch the curses that you need to survive/hamper your opponent. If you don't need more defense, get Curse of Thirst instead which is the main way to kill.
This deck should have some flavour thematically, so I added witches. Accursed Witch was an auto-include since it interacts with curses and is a victory condition of it's own, other cards like Lyzolda and Witche's Eye are just there for added fluff. All cards with one copy are considerations, cards with more copies are cards that I will use for sure.

What I am looking for is more thematical fluff but preferably some that are actually useful in here. It's okay if the cards are only remotely related, for example I consider things like Gremlin Infestation, which is almost like a curse, or anything occult like Voodoo Doll (just something more useful). Like Stuffy Doll since it provides much needed defence (or deterrence in multiplayer). Hey, just by writing about it I find new cards to add! :)

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 934 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Not Legal in Modern
  • Not Legal in Vintage
  • Not Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for Curse you!

A loy of Curses trigger during the upkeep, so Paradox Haze?

Idyllic Tutor; Enlightened Tutor; and Open the Armory tutors up any Curse and Paradox Haze.

Also, the good Curses cost a lot. Other than mana ramp, you could include cost reduction. Cloud Key; Herald of the Pantheon; and Hero of Iroas seem like the best options.

Posted 25 July 2017 at 09:17


It's for multiplayer so I don't think mana ramp is needed, it would use up valuable deck slots that are wasted in the later phases of games. Also, all I really need is Curse of Misfortunes since it fetches the other curses AND circumvents the mana costs. So, IF I would add any mana ramp, it would be Dark Rituals (fits flavour!) to play a Curse of Misfurtunes on turn 3 and the obligatory Sol Ring.

You don't need to suggest staples/fillers like tutors.

Paradox Haze is worth a consideration, but so far the deck doesn't run blue because all blue curses suck (two of them mill, which isn't the focus here and the other two aren't beneficial for me at all while at the same time help out all my oher opponnents. Haze is splashable, though.

Any ideas flavourwise? Maybe Hex? I am a bit concerned by the fact that I need exactly 6 targets. Our group plays a fair amount of mass removal, so I might struggle getting enough targets.

Posted 25 July 2017 at 09:58


Forbidden Orchard helps get the six requirement for Hex. Also, "Forbidden" sounds a little on flavour.

I've come to like Trespasser's Curse in Standard. Maybe it can find inclusion here?

Talking about standard Curses, Torment of Scarabs and Cruel Reality are worth considering too. Not too impresses with Overwhelming Splendor.

I see there's a cycle of Curses (one of each colour) printed in Commander Anthology and Commander 2013 Edition, but they only seem to grant bonuses when the cursed player is attacked.

Posted 25 July 2017 at 10:17


Oooh, I started with this before Amonkhet, didn't know there are new curses! Added some of them. Now I see what you meant, two of them are pretty expensive. I still plan to sneak them into play with Curse of Misfortunes, however, that probably means I need a way to put a curse that sits in my hand hand back into the library. Something like Scroll Rack (but the 2 I have are in use).

Posted 25 July 2017 at 12:22


Always wanted to make a curse deck. But curses are super mana heavy.

I know it is out of color for this, but herald of the pantheon would make casting your curses a mite easier.
also something like wake the dead or footsteps of the goryo might fit well. both let you get multiple uses out of bitterheart witch.

Posted 25 July 2017 at 14:34


As I said, Curse of Misfortunes will fetch the other curses and pay for them.

Wake the Dead of Footsteps of Goryo (or any other renaimation for that matter) doesn't work with Accursed Witch because when it dies, it becomes an enchantment. Or did you mean when my target died and they fall off? Well, there hundreds of ways to reanimate/reuse creatures, there must be something curse-ish/witchcrafty among them. Hm.

Posted 25 July 2017 at 15:23


What? No. Not Accursed Witch. Bitterheart Witch. The one that tutors up a curse when it dies.

Posted 25 July 2017 at 15:41


Oh sorry. I totally forgot about that ... bitch :) Now that I have more expensive curses, the first thing I should do is upping her to 4 copies.

Posted 25 July 2017 at 15:43


Yeah, she is rather good. Though probably better with a sacrifice outlet.

Posted 25 July 2017 at 15:58


Nah, why? She has deathtouch. And if nobody attacks me, that's fine, too.
It's just a bit problematic that she costs also 5, like the Curse of Misfortune.

No Rest for the Wicked would be a reanimation card that fits thematically, however, if I run with that, I probably DO need a sacrifice outlet ... which I have BTW, Lyzolda, albeit just a single one. Still searching for alternatives.

Posted 25 July 2017 at 16:05


Viscera seer is about the best sacrifice outlet I can think of.

Posted 25 July 2017 at 16:07


Well I do love myself some legacy version of a neat modern strategy so +1 from me. Going mardu is bold to say the least, perhaps even worse in many cases but I like it nonetheless.
The one thing I dislike is Curse of the Forsaken, it feels... out of place, very, very situational, and that would be still ok if you had some discard outlets so that it doesn't just sit there and do nothing

Posted 26 July 2017 at 18:39


Well, first off, this is still a draft. And I play exclusively multiplayer (mostly 2 vs 2, Pentagram, Emperor). This either means I have teampartners that also benefit from Curse of the Forsaken or that there are other players that are now encouraged to attack the player I cursed. They might get a few life but the Forsakened player will eventually die from it.
But I am aware of the fact that I don't have enough creatures myself to make it worthwhile as lifegain for myself. The deck isn't finished yet and when fleshing it out, I'll try to solve this. Which is the actual fun part of deck tweaking for me. For example I am considering to add Artifact Mutation: I need removal, this handles artifacts and at the same time provides me with tokens to attack. Played EOT of my opponent and grabbing Curse of of the Forsaken during my upkeep via Curse of Misfortune would net me quite some life out of nowhere. Artifact Mutation would add a fourth colour, though.

Posted 26 July 2017 at 22:31


That does make a lot more sense now. As for the mutation, well depends on how many artifacts besides your own you expect to blow up, which I'd imagine is a non-zero amount seeing as how you are considering it, as well as the mana base that would have to go along with that, but nothing a few fetches cannot fix

Posted 27 July 2017 at 11:58
