Blast from the Past (30$)

by Puschkin on 26 August 2014

Main Deck (60 cards)

Sideboard (9 cards)

Creatures (4)

Planeswalkers (1)

Artifacts (4)

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Deck Description

This little gem uses Distorting Lens to make opponent's permanents either blue or red so you can blast them away. This means, as long as you have a Lens, you have 16 (!) instant speed Vindicates for one mana ...
... and with 4 Blessings and Elixirs you can recycle the Blasts indefinately :)

A subtheme is Guided Passage, your main draw engine. In this deck, there is not a single "safe" card the opponent could hand you when you resolve Guided Passage. He either has to give you a combo piece, a card that can get you a combo piece or Morphling. Same is true for Fact or Fiction.

The feck has a few weaknesses but I wanted to keep it simple and straight forward this time. So if your opponent has creatures you can't target or if he can manage to keep the Lenses off the board, you will most likely lose.

The deck should still qualify as "budget" of sorts and it could probably made cheaper if you replace some of the cards with cheaper, reprinted versions. If you aren't on budget, check out the sideboard for a better (because more stable) version of the deck. Isochron Scepters obviously kickstart this deck while the Servants add stability because you aren't so dependant on the Lens anymore. If you add those, you can cut on the Elixirs, Blessings and Fact or Fictions.

How to Play

This is a blast to play ;)

Obviously, you want to have a Lens in play as soon as possible and them start eliminating everything that threatens you. Plan ahead with your mana - you won't need green mana in the first couple of turns but you will need them soon. So, pick wisely when popping an Expanse. Also, keep in mind that the land comes into play tapped. Ideally you fetch something turn one so you can play a Lens turn two, but depending on your draw and the colors your opponent is playing you might want to play differently.

Don't forget that the blasts can still be used as counterspells if the opponent plays red or blue (which is roughly about 1/3 of all cards if you think about it).

Also keep in mind that the Lens is able to "paint" both artifacts and lands as well (or anything else colorless like Eldrazis, tokens, morphed creatures and so on).

Fact or Fiction and Unguided Passage are there to refill your hand. Don't hesitate to play them early since both are guaranteed to give you mana. Even if you don't need mana anymore, it is important to thin out your deck so that the Elixirs and Blessings are more likely to return you Blasts.

If you don't have anything else to do, Blessing. Even if you don't have anything in the grave - you still draw a card. And don't forget you could use Blessing on your opponent's graveyard, too.

Deck Tags

  • Casual
  • Budget
  • Removal

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 3,133 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Not Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for Blast from the Past (30$)

This may be my favorite deck of yours. :)
Are you running full playsets of cards?!

Guided Passage...that is a new card to me. It seems so dangerous to play! True, you are going to get some great cards for it...however, your opponent will know your exact game plan. But then again, it will give you some good cards in your hand.

And the Elixir...I see the point, keep reshuffling your 1 mana cards back into your library. Umm, however, may I suggest run only 3 of those and add 1 more Morphling? Probably will make the deck more expensive...but Morphling is a powerhouse! And you already have 4 Gaea's Blessing.
Besides that, this looks like a fun deck.

Good job!

Posted 27 August 2014 at 22:41


Yes, I am running full playsets ;) Happens here and there. I built the original version of this deck a loooong time ago and was able to pick up the Lenses and Passages for cheap. There is a nice story attached to it:
When I played this (well, the old version) the first time, Juan was one of my opponents. Juan is the emotional/impulsive guy. He was one of my two opponents in a game of Pentagram. He happened to play a blue and red deck ... I didn't even need the Lenses, I could destroy AND counter all his stuff right away ... he was so pissed that he demanded I should never play that deck again :)
Well, I had other plans with those Guided Passages anyway, so I dismantled the deck until now. As you can see, the title of the deck is more than a pun.

Anyway, yes, I can probably cut on the number of Elixirs and Blessings. The original deck didn't have Elixirs (because it was about 15 years ago) and the deck didn't have any lifegain which proved to be a problem, so adding 4 Elixirs was the first thing to do. However, 8 reshuffling effects might be a tad bit excessive :P
I don't own a second Morphling, though. But I am confident I can find something similar among the newer creatures.

Posted 28 August 2014 at 06:53


I love when your opponent says, "Don't ever play that deck again!"
That means, to me, I made a good deck.

So...speaking of Lenses...Thran Lens.

Every thought of trying to make a deck focused on Thran Lens?
Immediately, I think of creatures with Intimidate.
But that is boring and probably has been done before.

Again, this is my favorite deck made by you.
Good job!

Posted 28 August 2014 at 17:44


Not for me - if someone says"Don't ever play that deck again!" it means I failed to construct a deck that everybody envolved can enjoy playing with or against it. Happened two times so far.

Thran Lens? Never came up with anything useful. It just makes stuff colorless, it doesn't turn it into artifacts. I only see it as a sideboard card to bypass Circles of Protection and things like this.

Posted 28 August 2014 at 18:06


This deck .... is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I used distorting lens and painter's servant in a white deck with circles of protection and angel's feather .... but this is pure evil.

I am getting one of these ... no one can stop me!

Posted 28 August 2014 at 07:52


If you can afford or already have them, Isochron Scepter takes this deck to disgusting levels of ownage. I just don't have enough and if I had, I'd better not play them here or I'd be excluded from the next Magic night ;)

Posted 28 August 2014 at 07:54


That sideboard might just cause some rage quits if it were included, you are quite right.

Man, I wonder if there is a gloom for red and blue ...

Posted 28 August 2014 at 08:03


Yes, it's called Chill.

Any suggestion for a Planeswalker? I want to add a single Planeswalker as a "chef" type of dude.

Posted 28 August 2014 at 08:11


Hmm ... this deck fits Jace's personality perfectly. I'd say ... The Mind Sculptor in zee SB.

Posted 28 August 2014 at 08:20


I do not play Planeswalkers...but maybe you could try Ral Zarek.
He is basically going to untap your Distortion Lens, giving you two uses per turn.
Plus he is going to stale your opponent by tapping one of his permanents each turn.
Plus he can be a Win Condition with his offense/defense.
Plus...since you are already destroying your opponents stuff AND stalling your opponent with Ral, if you can get Ral up to 7, he will grant you some extra turns.

Posted 28 August 2014 at 18:06


Meanwhile I checked the Planeswalkers and considered Ral Zarek. Problem is, you tap that opponent's card during your own turn which does jack in slowing him down. He could still be used to use the Lens twice in one turn. And the other abilities are okay, too. Have to trade for him, though.

Posted 28 August 2014 at 18:11


Plus...if you don't use him for the Distortion can use him to untap either your Morphling or your Nucklavee, so that they can attack one turn and block during your opponent's turn.
Sort of like giving one of them Vigilance for one turn.

"Problem is, you tap that opponent's card during your own turn which does jack in slowing him down." is iffy, but maybe you could tap one of his creatures so that he can't block...or maybe tap one of his lands to try to disrupt him.

Honestly, besides maybe Jace (mind sculptor)...Ral seems like one of the better Walkers for this deck :)

Posted 28 August 2014 at 18:12


A side note. You trade through websites right?
I have thousands and thousands of cards.
My big deal is the time you pay for shipping costs and ship your cards to someone for a trade...unless you are trading high dollar almost defeats the purpose.

Here, in the states, it is about 5 dollars to ship something.
So...if the cards are less than 5 dollars in pretty much lost money.
Only way it is really worth it, to me, is if you trade 20 or 30 dollars worth of cards to someone.
And...probably my biggest being ripped off.
I pay 5 dollars to sent 20 dollars worth of cards to someone...and they never send me any cards in return.
That would suck.

Posted 28 August 2014 at 18:21


Morphling can untap itself ;)
But I already put Ral in the side, no further need to advertise for him :)

I trade through online sites (well, one specific) now, but mostly because players stopped carrying trade binders around and if they do, they only have the expensive ones with them and they use that trading site as price reference anyway. So I thought, give it a try, put all my cards of my tradebinder online, sold a few cards (among them my Tarmogoyf for almost 100 euros) and then started buying. Shipping cost depends on the number of cards and is only 60 euro cents for 1-4 cards (within germany, could be more to other countries). For about 5 euros of shipping you can order 50-100 cards, sometimes more. If the total value is above a certain limit, that site offers a trustee relationship service. The good thing is that many if not most cards are dirt cheap, you can pick up tons of uncommons and rares for about 10 cents apice. It isn't worthwhlie to buy singles that way but in bulk? I usually go for one or two more expensive cards (recently I bought a Death Baron for about 6€) and then fill the order up with a dozen or two cards that are considered crap. You would be amazed what people consider crap these days.
And about trust: Most of the sellers sell regularily or even for a living and simply can't afford to get bad ratings.

Posted 28 August 2014 at 18:46


Will look into it more.
Again, as stated, I have thousands of cards just collecting dust.
Might as well get some use out of them. :)

Posted 28 August 2014 at 18:53


I will look into that trading as well.

Posted 29 August 2014 at 05:55


what a simple deck... how come i never thought of anything like this?? oh.. probably because i never saw distorting lens... i probably would have uses the painters servents.. but wow! nice deck! on a budget too...

Posted 05 September 2014 at 08:17


The Guided Passage make it a little bit mire complex, but yes, it's a simple deck :) Sometimes simple solutions work the best.
I am still waiting for R&D to print another version of the Blasts, then I could run 24 of them, probably eliminating the need to recycle the 16 I have now. It would simplify things even more.

Posted 05 September 2014 at 09:38


but recycling is good... bonus 5 life everytime you use the elixir

Posted 05 September 2014 at 11:57


So much destruction ...

Posted 06 September 2014 at 17:30


Wow, this is really nice. I just love the destruction, combos, the make your opponent choose , and all that.
You are getting +1 from me!
And recycling allows you to survive against mill/ discard decks

Also, Jessie, I might be interested in buying/ trading cards, especially really good decks.
I don't have much to trade though, and not much money.

Posted 10 September 2014 at 13:20


I hear you with the money part. I have very little too. :(
If it gets worse off, I will have to sale some of my cards.

Posted 10 September 2014 at 13:22


Maybe check out my newest deck, "pick wisely" as well because it has a similar mix of destruction, combos and making your opponent pick :)

Posted 10 September 2014 at 13:24


OK, it already sounds like a great deck!
I'll buy whatever I can to help you out, especially stuff to finish my gruul bloodrush deck

Posted 11 September 2014 at 00:20


Looks like a super fun deck to play. I'm wondering if you thought about dropping a Feldon's Cane or 2 in to reshuffle everything back into the deck.

Posted 11 November 2014 at 04:06


I run 4 Gaea's Blessing to shuffle stuff back. It is slower but has two advantages: 1) it cantrips, so I don't waste a card. 2) I can pick what to reshuffle.

Posted 11 November 2014 at 15:54


This deck with Isochron Scepter could be amazing especially if Isochron could be untapped repeatedly.
Will be making deck soon. Thanks for the idea.

Posted 14 October 2017 at 16:18


Yeah, as I said, the sideboard holds the cards for a less budget version and Isos are among them (when I built this deck so long ago, Isochron Scepter was 5 or more dollars).

Posted 14 October 2017 at 17:05


Made my version of your deck at
I added Paradox Engine and substituted True-Name Nemesis for Morphling and some land and removed a few Nucklavee (almost replaced it with Snapcaster Mage, but decided against it, will need to test to see if it really should be in deck). Again thanks for idea. Looking forward to play testing it.

Posted 14 October 2017 at 17:37
