First a little rant, feel fee to skip to the actual section about the deck.
[RANT] I am not much into EDH. Mostly because it lost it's casual touch because players are minmaxing the shit out of this format. The idea was to have fun, varied decks with odd cards you usually don't see in play, that's why it's a 100 card highlander format. But since players are still thinking comepitively, they are stuffing their decks with library manipulation and tutors. And since EDH taps from a gigantic card pool, it's easy to fill a deck with spoilers and bombs. The result are tedeious control-combo heavy decks that fight over resources all game.
That's why I built this deck. I want to kick these decks in the nuts.[/RANT]
This EDH is built to beat all those well-built EDH decks that dominate the format. This might actually mean that it might perform less well against sloppily buillt casual decks, but meh, you can't have it all. What does a good EDH deck do?
- It has lots of tutors and library manipulation
- It has lots of mana ramping
- It has TONS of removal spells and they try to cover everyhing
- It has few but tough to handle threats
- It builds up resources early game, fights over opponent's resources middle game and aims to win late game via all the ridiculous cards out there
So I built a White Weenie deck, lead by Kytheon, Hero of Akros. And I stuffed it with global resetters inlcuding ones that reset mana producers. And I picked mostky creatures that disturb the opponent's development or that have abilities that work agains common EDH tactics.
Basically I play weenies every turn to quickly overrun my opponent while he is still setting up in aggro-control mode and play something like Armageddon mid-game to prevent him from entering late-game (which I would lose otherwise).
Just look at the creatures, guys like Aven Mindcensor, Hushwing Gryff or Vrynn Wingmare give EDH players the shivers and I play tons of them, not just a few. I also run lots of direct or indirect mana denial like Ankh of Mishra (so great about fetchies : ) ), Dustbowl etc. that I can win games just by manascrewing my opponent. Armageddon, Cataclysm, Tragic Arrogance and Catastrophe are the reasons why I still run 30 lands even though theoretically I could go down to 25 or something like that considering just the weenies.
The deck is low on enchantments and artifacts because I regularily destroy all of them anyway and because I need to keep up the pressure with a high creature count.
Card in the sideboard are cards I consider adding when I know what to cut!
You should drop your commander right way first turn! You don't mind if he gets killed, he is just another weenie here and every time he gets killed is a time where another creature of yours isn't killed --- Kytheon comes back after all.
The drop more creatures. Of course you have to be careful not to overextent because the opponent WILL wipe the board sooner or later, however, this is still EDH which is slower, the opponent starts with 30 life and your deck consists of more than 50% creatures (plus your commander), so you can extend a bit more than usual. My rule of thumb would be: You should aim for a force that deals about 5 net damage per turn and shoule always keep at least 2 creatures back to play after the next board swipe but of course that depends on situation and in case of doubt just keep on playing creatures! Chances are that you actually overrun your opponent before he stabilizes and holding back could turn out to be fatal.
Disrupt your opponent wherever you can. In a lot of cases it's enough to play one of your creatrues that messes with him passively (like Leonin Arbiter) anyway.
Then, about midgame, it's time to reset. If you are in the lead regarding creatures and are able to destroy (almost) all lands, then you have basically sealed the game and alredy won. If the creature situation looks even, you should still consider to reset once the opponent got critical mass amound of mana which is about 7 mana. Even 6 is dangerous, but you also want to maximize the losses of the opponent.
After that, just rebuild (which you should be able to do faster than him) and if necessary, repeat resetting the game.
If you fail to reset and enter late game, you will most likely lose.
* Darksteel Axe is there not only because it is fast, it also survives Purify and the Austere Command (plus many removal spells your opponent might have)
* Godsend is one of the few means to get rid of problematic creatures, so if you play Stoneforge Mystic, Godsend is your prime target, second in line would be the Sword of Fire and Ice because that's one of the few ways to draw extra cards and third would be the Sword of Vengeance because it grants haste.
* Hallowed Moonlight stops all kinds of nonsense, from regular reanimation to "put into play" effects (which many EDH decks rely on!), so always keep mana open for this! However, remember that you also draw a card, so if your hand is empty and you don't apply enough pressure, just play it for the extra card.
* Ankh of Mishra will do more damage than most creatures since it typically lasts longer and many EDH decks play more than one land per turn. So, if you have it in your opening hand, play this on turn 2 instead of a creature - don't mind the damage you will eat yourself, you are the agressive player here and you don't need much mana to get rolling!