Sorry, now its fixed
Yes no point.
Thanks of the feedback
Last-strike bhahaha
I understand.. it was becauce if you sample hand the deck on this site it might give bolas in the starting 7.
You got two command towers and you have one Nicol Bolas the Ravager in the 99 and another as the commander. I dont want to complain but i want to see what cards there would be in a legal version of your deck. :)
I ment demonic consultation check this card (demonic consulation) what is a good pair with laboratory maniac.
They might have a connection ;)
Nice to have them in the sets.
Yes, it was a suprise to me. I bought a bulk about 600 cards and Zoetic Cavern was one of them.
:) Thanks for the tip
Tron lands is a great idea thanks leste1mr
I'm going to change part of the Wastes to some other lands like Detection Tower and so.
What I'm missing from this is something that creates tokens all the time.
Thanks, we'll do.
Thanks a lot of the feedback, i got to check out those cards! :)
Banefire :)
Nice that someone else is making Pirate decks too ^^ that Hostage Taker is nice.
Nice :) i like that idea.
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