
37 Decks, 73 Comments, 1 Reputation

Try Garruk. He's got overrun written all over him.

Posted 30 August 2010 at 15:03 as a comment on Goblin Overrun


Take out the Brittle effigys since you have black in the deck you can use doomblades and tendrils of coruption.

Also the platinum angel is kinda expensive and random. I would take it out.

9 counters might be a bit much. try 4 mana leaks, 2 negates, and 1 cancel.

Posted 30 August 2010 at 14:59 as a comment on Artifact


-4 feast of blood
-4 child of the night
-4 Viscera Seer

+4 Rampant growth
+4 verdant catacombs
+2 blood tribute
+2 Sanguine Bond

I guarantee that this will preform well. Give it a try. proxy the cards you don't have just to test it out with friends.

Posted 25 August 2010 at 22:56 as a comment on G/B Sanguine Ramp


4 Etherium Sculptor
1 Triskelion
1 Mana leak
3 doomblades
2-4 Tezzeret the Seeker

Posted 24 August 2010 at 08:56 as a comment on Artifact


You may want to add Lavaball traps because they go with your theme. If your punishing them for using fetches then You should be able to cast it for the trap cost consiostently enough.

Posted 20 August 2010 at 10:25 as a comment on Grixis LD/mill


I think this is the best deck I have seen of yours yet. It looks like it will work real good. the only thing you need is more spot removal. I would add doom blades or something similar to remove creatures earlier. I would also add more day of judgements there is no reason not to run 4 in this deck because your creatures will survive if they are indestructable.

Arrogant Bloodlord is awesome in this deck. it won't die if its indestuctable.

Knight of the White Orchid is about to rotate out soon. but it wold be extremely good in this deck of you don't mind them rotating. Silence is good but it will not stop your opponent from doing anything on your turn. Most of the decks your going to see will be running control so they don't mind saving mana for counter spells. You should use grim discovery in place of disentomb. it will get lands back as well. your marsh flats will be able to come back along with a creature.

Here's what the final deck would look like if it were mine. I think it is good how it is too.

-3 Disentomb
-2 Silence
-2 Whispersilk cloak
-2 Crystal ball
-2 Marshal's Anthem
-1 Oblivion Ring
+2 Day of judgment
+2 Doomblades
+2 Grim Discovery
+2 Knight of the white orchard
+2 Emerge unscathed
+2 Sun Titan

Crystal ball is good, but this deck doesn't have a bad draw in it except for maybe a late game land, so why waste a slot on it. Whispersilk cloak is good but it is easy to play around if your going against a good opponent. Emerge unscated will get you the same result as a whispersilk just as more of a surprise to your opponent. Sun titan is just nuts with this deck because it will get back any one of your knights.

Posted 18 August 2010 at 12:47 as a comment on knights on tha line


I would really like to see someone place 1st with this deck. It no doubt has plenty of control and can keep the game in your favor nearly indefinately. but how does it finish your opponent? Sun Titan? Jace 1.0 or 2.0s ultimate? These all seem hard to pull off. If you cast a huge Martial Coup, you risk your opponent countering it or responding with a day of judgment on the following turn. I guess Manland beatdowns are the best option.

Posted 11 August 2010 at 12:53 as a comment on Julien Parez's White-Blue Control France Nat 1


You need burning inquiry for this deck. I would take out the Mind Rots and replace it with the Inquirys. Its only one mana and it forces the opponent to draw cards so they always have somthing to discard. with one caress in play it deals 6. with 2 in play it deals 12.

The most common problem with these types of decks is that your opponent will use his whole hand before you can really start to burn him with your enchantments.

Posted 11 August 2010 at 12:42 as a comment on awesome 66% win deck.


I think you want Hypnotic specter in here, Not Abyssal Specter. Hippi is better and standard legal like the rest of your deck.

Posted 10 August 2010 at 16:09 as a comment on awesome 66% win deck.


I really like this deck. It is shaping up nicely. But you know me. I would still get it down to 60 cards. So here's my two cents. Get rid of the artifact package and the emeria. Also, get rid of one emerge unscathed to make it 60 cards.

-1x Crystal Ball
-1x Jinxed Idol
-1x Whispersilk Cloak
-1x Emeria, the Sky Ruin
-1x Emerge Unscathed

Posted 10 August 2010 at 10:16 as a comment on Banesickle Angel


Why not use two mind sculptors? You know Jace Beleren and Jace, the Mind Sculptor, still kill each other if their on the field at the same time right?

Posted 10 August 2010 at 10:12 as a comment on Banesickle Angel


You should take out the Wildheart Invokers. Your very rarely going to pull off 8 mana and if you do you should spend it on somthing better. like the eldrazi conscriptions. replace them with more elf ramp. I'm thinking llanawar elves You also need Vines of vastwood so your creature that you put the conscription on does not die.

-3 Might of Masses
-2 Wildheart Invoker
-2 Explores (the new elves should handle this)
-1 Joraga Treespeaker

+4 Vines of Vastwood
+4 Llanawar elves

I'm not really dure you need 4 fogs either. the place we play at doesnt really run a lot of creatures. You would really be better off running Brittle Effigy. This is the only way to kill creatures in green other than fliers. It also kills indestructable creatures and emrakul.

-4 Fog
+4 Brittle Effigy

With all of these changes I think you are in a much better position to win. the only way to know for sure is to test the deck and make changes as you go.

Posted 09 August 2010 at 16:49 as a comment on elf on top


you should add a couple megrims. I understand that lilianas caress is better, but it never hurts to have 6-8 cards that offer the effect your deck is looking for to win.

Posted 30 July 2010 at 11:33 as a comment on pwning the noobs



Shards of Alara, Alara Reborn, Conflux, and M10 are all still legal in standard until October whe Scars of Mirrodin is released.

Posted 23 July 2010 at 11:21 in reply to #75456 on FNM Fun Black Deck


Here's my suggestion.

Remove sadistic sacrament because it does not do anything to help this deck win. Lower diabolic tutor to 2 copies. Remove Liliana Vess and Sorin Markov(they are really bad for FNM trust me). Add two mind sludges and 2 more swamps. Also, add 3 tendrils of coruption to get the deck back to 60 cards.

The deck is still not a 1st place deck, but these improvements should increace your chances.

Posted 23 July 2010 at 11:18 as a comment on FNM Fun Black Deck



Posted 13 July 2010 at 16:06 in reply to #73366 on Relentless rats?


At the very least you could add four coat of arms to get doulble the boost. I will just use thought hemmorage on you FTW.

Posted 13 July 2010 at 11:24 as a comment on Relentless rats?


This deck is Garbage with a capital G!!!

Posted 13 July 2010 at 11:22 as a comment on Jacerator


Whisper silk cloak would be a better option for equipment. It will protect the Knight Knight Exemplar while getting damage though uncontested. You should definately play a few Path to exiles, they are very effective. Definately put Lightwielder Paladin in the sideboard. Kabira Vindicator is a notable card. I know your trying to keep the curve down for the sun titan, but with 16 other creatures you will always have a target for the sun titan. You also need more land to be consistant. even with the low mana curve.

My suggestion is this.
-1 oblivion ring
-3 Gorgon Flail
-1 Day of judgement
-1 Emeria, the Sky Ruin
-4 Armored Ascension
+4 Wispersilk Cloak
+3 path to exile
+2 plains
+1 Kabira Vindicator

Posted 12 July 2010 at 16:26 as a comment on Standard White Knights


Brave the elements or Emerge unscathed will not protect your creatures from mass removal. Protection stops your creatures from being targeted from the said color. Since Day of Judgment does not target, it will destroy everything except indestructable creatures, even cretures with protection from white will perish.

FYI, Protection does the following with respect to the protected color:
Can't be targeted
Prevents damage
Can't be enchanted/equiped
Can't be blocked

Posted 12 July 2010 at 16:08 in reply to #73192 on Standard White Knights


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