your only using gifts as a draw 2, i would add unberial rites, and a few targets.
Ok, tested this list against 3 real EDH decks.... so far it is the most fun thing I've ever created in magic CHEERS!
Any comments or suggestions are very much appreciated.
i love wort... check my list I've combo's turn 3 once (god hand lol)
i love wort.. check out my Decklist You should see the new legendary in M13.. goblin guy
check out my list here... I love wort... I'm probably gona find room for akki underminer
i love wort... check out my list I really like Konda's Banner.... giving all goblins +2+2 is sweet
for some reason i don't like mindshrieker in the deck.... i would take them out for snap casters (if you have the cards or money)
14 mountains isnt enough... i like to run like 22-25 (usually 24) also.. run 2-3 valakuts... they make end game top deck lands not to bad. Also, have your 3 Koths mainboard... Koth's -2 ability makes this deck sick... with getting out 2 big flyers turn 5 then firebreathing for ALOT turn 6
i like the idea... but running 3 colors without duel lands can get pretty hard... bloodghast being BB and vengevines being 2GG is asking for lucky land drops... i love umbrask though and think he would make the deck destroy... but the land demand makes me nervous to try it... good luck
how do you get the Gem into the GY?
16 lands is kinda low IMO... most pros go for 23-24 lands