
9 Decks, 23 Comments, 3 Reputation

tx for the tip, just getting into modern so still getting used to the different options available compared to standard lol

Posted 24 March 2013 at 01:53 as a comment on Weird Kiln Fiend


As you can see I now added the hellriders but also sent the deck towards a 3 color base, which from the metagame i've seen, should give me a whole new edge. Alot of ppl also get annoyed with the zealous conscript. I'm thinking of putting ash zealots in it but so far i just don't know what i would take out for them so I'm thinking maybe a sideboard card against snapcaster decks or unburial rites deck.

Posted 20 March 2013 at 17:20 as a comment on Brains and Muscles


you really only need 2, hellkite tyrant and lattice, the mirror works is a bonus, and tezzeret can fetch it, its not that clunky, my meta decks are built to win on turn 3, so if i can pull it off, you should be able to.

Posted 05 March 2013 at 00:49 as a comment on riku of the two reflections


in that case, with mycosynth latice, darksteel forge and mirror works, you can get 3 undestructible copys of each of your crits, throw in mirrow gallery and you can even copy legends and with the hellkite tyrant, you easily get to 20 artefacts and win the game.

Posted 03 March 2013 at 00:28 as a comment on riku of the two reflections


It has potential but you`re missing a few vital keys to make it really good, for an infinite turn combo you should run, vengeful rebirth and call to mind as spell recurral, then you also run mirrari, dual casting and the bracers to duplicate your spells a bunch of times and then you cast your time warp for 4 copies so 10 turns, then time warp for 5, once they`re in the yard, you cast vengeful rebirth and copy it at least once, but if you have other targets you want, you may copy it more, and you bring back the 2 turn taking cards, cast them again and now cast call to mind and copy it twice at least, get the 2 turn taking cars again plus the vengeful rebirth and repeat the process for infinite turns. This combo is almost unstoppable since they have to cast 5 counters to stop you completely and every time you cast vengeful rebirth you deal at least 18 damage to someone or something lol, pretty broken. With Tamiyo`s emblem its even more busted. And in mine i run mana reflection and doubling cube, along with Pheryxian Metamorph and Tezzereth, to make infinite mana. This deck doesnt combo off on turn 3 or 4 but when it does, its all the fireworks lol.

Posted 02 March 2013 at 22:59 as a comment on riku of the two reflections


found even better then the rancors lol this deck is mean :-D

Posted 02 March 2013 at 22:37 as a comment on Brains and Muscles


but in your favor, that Spellweaver Volute could be good, it enchants an instant in your yard, then when you cast a sorcery you can cast that instant w/out paying the cost and then you exile it from your yard and attach the volute to another instant in your yard instead, so with Riku, you get the sorcery, duplicate it, then as the copy is cast, you cast the instant first cause of the stack, then the volute moves to another instant, then the copied sorcery resolves, then the original sorcery is cast, triggering the volute again so you get another instant which activates you ascension and then as the sorcery resolves, it gets copied by ascension which triggers the volute again, getting a 3rd instant an a copy of it due to ascension, pretty good streak for the mana cost of one spell+2 lol

Posted 28 February 2013 at 04:45 as a comment on riku of the two reflections



Posted 28 February 2013 at 04:39 as a comment on riku of the two reflections


here this forum explains exactly what i just did, the only viable way of doing it is Spellweaver Volute and that's only 1 card or if you manage to get 1 counter on it by playing an opponents spell, you can then proliferate it, but riku on his own doesnt trigger it, sorry to break it to you, but the stack doesnt work the way you're making it to work, it first in, last out.

Posted 28 February 2013 at 04:39 as a comment on riku of the two reflections


the only other way, aside of playing it from an opponents deck some how and already having a copy in your yard, to make it work is if you`d have a way of copying a spell already played that's in your yard and that doesn't require to bring it back to your hand or exile it.

Posted 28 February 2013 at 04:04 as a comment on riku of the two reflections


yes it is, in order to copy it your spell needs to go on the stack, which means it hasnt resolved yet therefor isnt yet in your yard, then you stack the Riku trigger to copy it, which makes your copy the last spell to be played there for the first one to resolve, with then no other copy in your yard so no counter on pyromancers, then once your actual spell resolve, since it was a copy that resolved first then still no other spell of the same name is in yard so still no counter. its the same principle as replicate, if you cast a spell and a player casts replicate on it, the replicate copy resolves first, in this instance, Riku would replace replicate. Check the oracle, you`ll see.

Posted 28 February 2013 at 03:59 as a comment on riku of the two reflections


the only way it works is if you have a spell in yard already and you get to cast the same spell from your opponents hand, deck or yard.

Posted 28 February 2013 at 03:49 as a comment on riku of the two reflections


cant, the copy resolves before the spell itself, so when the copy resolve the spell isnt in your yard yet.

Posted 28 February 2013 at 03:47 as a comment on riku of the two reflections


the pyromancers ascention is uselss in EDH btw.

Posted 28 February 2013 at 02:58 as a comment on riku of the two reflections


no you run them all because theyre usually a quick target as well as they can be used to kill other players jaces, i`ve been running this deck for over 2 years and it rocks, infinite turns is the best lol as for omniscience i dont own any yet.

Posted 28 February 2013 at 02:55 as a comment on Riku of Two Reflections(EDH)


Personally i would put the faith`s shields in the board and put rancors instead.

Posted 27 February 2013 at 01:12 as a comment on humans with 28 trample turn 3


I hadnt notice that at all, tx alot for pointing it out. dark rituals it is lol

Posted 26 February 2013 at 23:10 as a comment on Dragonstorm


Have you thought about replacing the bauble by lotus petals(4 of), the blooms by pyretic rituals(4 of), the vials by geosurge(4 of), the broodmate dragons with karthus, tyrant of jund(2 of) and the kokusho by the hellkite overlord(3 of) and the 2 plaines walker with 2 lands for consistancy, from there you can combo off on turn 1 on the play by playing lotus petal twice(2 spells for the storm count) then sac one for a red, play rite of flame for 2 reds(3 spells), then play pyretic ritual for 3 reds(4 spells), then seething song for 5 reds(5 spells), then use for of those 5 to play geosurge for another 7 reds(6 spells) for a total of 8 red mana then sac the second petal, or you may of played a land instead that turn(which would reduce storm count to 5) for the 9th mana and then dragon storm for 6 or 7 dragons(depending if you played to petals or a petal and a land). you then play the 4 bogardan hellkite inflicting 20 damage straight up and if that's still not enough, you get 1 karthus and 2 hellkite overlord, karthus gives everyone haste and the other 2 are just 8/8 power houses and that way you can come in for an additional 43 flying damage, all on turn 1.

Posted 26 February 2013 at 06:43 as a comment on Dragonstorm Wrains in all


tx and I was also thinking about it for the hellrider, again, like the rancor, i do not own any right now, but will definitely look into it.

Posted 26 February 2013 at 04:34 as a comment on Brains and Muscles


i dont have mine anymore otherwise the skinbrand would be rancor yes.

Posted 26 February 2013 at 04:30 as a comment on Brains and Muscles


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