against uglin and ashiok run x4 Duress. I think you have to many win conditions inside your deck but looks fun.
Knight-Captain of Eos can be fun with all of your soldiers and perheps run condemn for removal (you always need some kind of removal)
have you considered Perilous Myr or Myr Retriever (since you run a lot of artifacts)?
maybe Sylvan Caryatid, Courser of Kruphix... or form more budget cards Abzan Beastmaster, Nyx Weaver. Or if you want to splash with one more colour: Dragon's Eye Savants, Nyx-Fleece Ram, Lagonna-Band Trailblazer, Jeskai Barricade.
Abrupt Decay cant be countered. Curse of Exhaustion, Eidolon of Rhetoric ,Rule of Law or Arcane Laboratory (not modern legal) are great cards if you already fliped Erayo, but problem is to find and flip him in first place. This is why i think Quest for the Holy Relic is awesome for win condition. Anyway i think i like this deck more then UG Ninja Erayo.
Bloodghast is great with Grisly Salvage and alternative Jarad's Orders.Death's Shadow is great for Varolz, the Scar-Striped combo witch can be easy done with Grisly Salvage and Loleth Troll.Have you considered adding Birds of Paradise or Elves of Deep Shadow for mana?
Why not Prey Upon insted Pit Fight? it cost less and it even goes with werewolf themeNice deck as always Northen
If you are not looking for budget version playing Dark Depths with Vampire Hexmage is great combination. Inquisition of Kozilek is best card to have in your opening hand so you may want playset (and maybe single raven's crime). Vendetta is also cheep removal but it can hurt...How is Dash Hopes working out for you?
pendelhaven can pump most of your creatures for free
I think you might want to put in Nyxathid to finish game fast ;)
Champion of the Parish is must have for human deck if you can afford him.Since you are splashing green you may want to play: Avacyn's Pilgrim and Hamlet Captain.For a bit of control you can play Ulvenwald Tracker and Gideon's Lawkeeper.
Æther Flash if fun and could work in here
Mentor of the Meek could be great for the draw
Thran Turbine can be helpfull for tutoring if you are not going with Illusionist's Bracers. I like to have 1 copy of Crib Swap. As win con Cover of Darkness or/and Mirror Entity.
Stinkdrinker Bandit can be huge buffer and can be paid for prowl cost (which includes goblins too)
great card but still to expensive for me and even though it have all creture types it isnt artifact creture so Tempered Steel doesnt affect it.
If you want to speed up deck and bypass counterspells put few Æther Vials. Dark Depths + Vampire Hexmage are great but expensive.Lightning Greaves are better option then Swiftfoot Boots but i dont think either one is necessary.
Shapesharer should replace Clone since it allows you to clone anything anytime.Fated infatuation also works nice with Druid's Deliverance populate ;)
You should put in Magus of the Moat!Also consider Mulldrifter for a draw and maybe Judge's Familiar as first drop.
maybe run Lys Alana Huntmaster for more elf warriors
21-40 of 54 items