give me some input on what ya think could make it better or what not
way to many cards and if u gonna have a rat deck i would put some marrow-gnawer's in there.
make sure u bust out a wrath and ghostway on em for me.
I think a blue and black of this would do good. Use glimspe the unthinkable and other grinders on yourself and play living end to bring all your creatures out at once. This one looks pretty good tho.
only played in 1 tourny with it came in 4th out of 18ppl but i had no sideboard to add in which hurt me. But when planar chaos comes out im ripping this thing apart and remakin it lol.
sounds pretty good i wouldnt mind givin this deck a go around with my Wizard deck i posted on here. Would be a fun match.
flagstone would work good with sacred ground but i like the terramorphic expanse better since flagstone is legendary and u can only have 1 at a time out. i would put flagstones in sideboard incase u come up against land destroy and add more terramorphics so u can search for a land that your despreatly in need of.
Y not take out dream leash and put in followed footstep so u can have a new copy of cytoplast maniplator each upkeep. It cost the same amount of mana as followed footsteps
feel free to comment on what u think might make the deck a lil better.
puzzel box would be nice with underworld dreams
y dont u trade char for flames of the blood hand. its alot better.
Idea is to use the blooms to get the firemind out quickly slap a shielding plax on him then go to town. Use schismotivate to bump your dragonauts up to 7/3's ping someone with the gelectrodes, and im sure theyll take 5 dmg from brobeat instead of taking 3dmg while u draw 3 cards. anyways it can probably be better so feel free to input any ideas for it.
I would swap out the hibernation end and divine congregation since u only have one of each for ghost way. If u get essence sliver out that will be your main gain life source. Or you could swap out the farseeks since u have the gemhide slivers to produce mana. 8)
I would swap watcher sliver for fungus since u have Might sliver in there. and also try puttin about 2 ghostway in there good lil combo with wrath of god
You need troll ascetic in this deck and i would take out moldervine cloak and put in Armidillo cloaks but thats just me.
I would put some avatars of woe and a mortivore in here. If u mill them theyll get creatures in there graveyard pretty fast. also a Dimir doppleganger is nice for a black blue mill deck. Also Twincast is nice with glimpse. 4 mana and 20 cards into there graveyard. Mortivore and Avatar will thank u for it. psychic drain would do well in here to