If you take out some Melira's and some Redcaps you can add stuff like Qasali Pridemage, Scavenging Ooze and Voice of Resurgence to have some extra tutorable value creatures in your deck. Ideally you would only need to congregate/company once for the combo to win.
The new Anafenza also works as a Melira and combos with Finks
Liliana is mainly there as a kill spell (specifically for Geist of Saint Traft which I see a lot in my meta) and she obviously works as a great hand disrupter (being able to drop a lingering souls into GY with her for cheaper cost can actually be quite relevant to.) . I tested with Elspeth, Knight-Errant in my initial drafts of the deck but found her ability lackluster to Sorin's lifelink anthem effect. Midnight is alright, although it seems a little weak to what I want to be doing with 3 mana (granted the instant speed clause would be nice) , I'm already considering cutting Raise the Alarm for Bitterblossoms but I'm not quite there yet. Thanks for the comment though, I appreciate it. The thing I love about tokens is how adaptable it is to your own playstyle.
the only reasoning for using the honor of the pure instead was to buff my sideboard protection creature package as well as the tokens. i'll switch them around a bit and test it out thanks for the comments