
1 Deck, 1 Comment, 0 Reputation

There is no need for arbor elves. Elf warrior is key here that is why there is no need for fyndhorn elves.

As far as the Paragon: Did you read the deck title? All elf tokens produced are elf warriors. so on turn 4 when you play Paragon and then play Promenade all your elf tokens are 4/4 with trample.

If you are worried about board wipe replace the skysweepers with eldrazi monument. Birchlore are useless in this deck.

I do like the jorga. I didnt even look at it for some reason. That will replace the champ. I think the best way to do this would be replace the 4 x skysweepers and the 4 x champions with 2 x eldrazi monument. Put 3 x immaculate magistrates in and 3 x jorga. I will play test it tonight.

Posted 02 April 2010 at 08:14 as a comment on Elf Warrior
