My take on the Blue Moon archetype.
4x Spreading Seas provides *even more* land hate, and in two important ways: 1.) SS can come down on turn 2, slowing your opponent while helping you dig for Blood Moon, and 2.) after you resolve a Blood Moon, SS can help shut down any basics your opponent may have access to. SS improves the Burn match-up especially, in which Blood Moon can be really mediocre.
Primary win-con is Batterskull, as it is virtually impossible to remove; but in the event you lock your opponent out of mana and they don't just scoop, any of your creatures will bring it home eventually.
--Sideboarding Thoughts--
vs. Death's Shadow
• Out: Anger of the Gods, 3x Ancestral Visions
• In: 2x Roast, Engineered Explosives, Mana Leak
vs. Devoted Druid Combo
• Out: 3 Ancestral Visions, Goblin Dark-Dwellers
• In: Electrolyze, Dispel, Anger of the Gods, and Engineered Explosives
vs. Affinity
• Out: 3 Ancestral Visions, 3x Remand, 2x Blood Moon.
• In: 2x Vandalblast, 2x Ceremonious Rejection, Engineered Explosives, Electrolyze, Izzet Staticaster, and Anger of the Gods.
vs. Burn/Zoo
• Out: 3x Blood Moon, 2x Ancestral Vision
• In: Dispel, Mana Leak, Anger of the Gods, Electrolyze, and Engineered Explosives
vs. Death & Taxes/Hatebears (no Eldrazi)
• Out:
• In: Anger of the Gods, Keranos
vs. Eldrazi D&T
• Anger of the Gods, 2x Ceremonious Rejection
vs. Eldrazi Aggro
vs. Tron (any variant)
• Out:
• In: 2x Ceremonious Rejection
vs. pure midrange (Jund, Abzan, et al)
• Out:
• In
vs. pure control (UW, Jeskai, Grixis, et al)
• Out: Anger of the Gods, Electrolyze, Engineered Explosives
• In: Keranos, Mana Leak, and Dispel
vs. Merfolk
• Out: 4x Spreading Seas, 3x Ancestral Visions
• In: Anger of the Gods, Mana Leak, 2x Roast, Electrolyze, Izzet Staticaster, and Engineered Explosives
vs. Elves
vs. Valakut/Scapeshift
vs. Dredge
• Out:
• In: 2x Relic of Progenitus, Anger of the Gods,
vs. UR Storm
vs. Living End
vs. Ad Naseum
vs. 8 rack
• Out:
• In
vs. Blue Moon
• Out:
• In
vs. Lantern Control
• Out:
• In