Budget modern deck based on Incandescent Soulstoke flinging huge elementals at the opponent, or ramping into them with Smokebraider or Generator Servant
With Flamekin Harbinger as a tutor, this deck can win turn 4 although its fairly inconsistent, any sort of Path to Exile fluff will hurt it a lot, of course.
With the new influx of generator servant, I will try again to make this deck viable at Modern FNM (which is not 100% die hard competitive, but no easy walk either)
Turn 1 try to have a Harbinger to tutor up an elemental, whatever you need at the time. Most often you want a Soulstoke or a target for said soulstoke. You might also want Smokebraiders/Generator Servants.
Turn 3 cast the lord, then turn 4 start flinging elementals. There is turn 4 win here by making your creatures double strike with Boros Charm.
Alternatively, use Smokebraider or Generator Servant to ramp into turn 3 Nova Chaser/Thunderblust/Reveillark and start beating.
This deck is heavy on synergy. Note, especially, the great synergy between Generator Servant and Reveillark, allowing you a turn 3 hasty Reveillark for no real cost at all.
Also, there is Spitebellows, which if you fling it represents 6 power that they have to deal with, and it will die at the end of the turn taking something with it. So at no blocks, its 6 damage plus a one for one and a two for one if they block. (Watch out because the trigger is not optional, so you will have to kill your own creatures if they dont have any).
The preferred target for Nova Chaser to champion after you fling it in with the soulstoke is Flamekin Harbinger. It will reset its ETB ability allowing you to tutor for the next Nova Chaser, which means you gain inevitability unless your opponent does something about it.
Thunderblust has persist, which means after it dies from the delayed trigger of the Soulstoke activation, it will return, untapped and it now has trample (and is still a 7/2 because of the lord buff).
Reveillark, in general, is a great safety valve, as all your 4 'combo pieces' can be returned to the battlefield, so if your opponent stops them in their tracks, Reveillark can get you back into the game.
The double strike mode of boros charm can steal games away, but its also there to close out games and to protect your vulnerable little elementals.
Your many small elementals can also actually deal a lot of damage with the buff from your lord. For example, turn 4 wins are also possible without a boros charm simply because your Harbinger/Smokebraider/Generator Servant will hit your opponet for 2/3 from early on, at which point an 11 power haste Nova Chaser is very lethal on turn 4, especially if you have lightning bolt backup.
Spark Trooper is a good option from the sideboard if you are facing a race against an aggro deck that is just a little bit faster and more consistent, or that burns your elemental engines away so that you cant reliably cast Nova Chaser. Usually when that happens I try to get to larger mana and use Reveillark/Spark Trooper resilience to close out a game.