Yikes! Spikes! (Multi)

by primus on 14 April 2013

Main Deck (64 cards)

Sideboard (4 cards)

Instants (4)


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Deck Description

A fun mid-session deck with the flexible Spikes.

* All my decks are made for good times around the kitchen table. Card legality is a non-issue. Life totals begin at 30 rather than 20 to give decks a chance to develop.

How to Play

Get ready for tons of counter movement. This style of play may not be for everyone (understandably), but if your of the personality where you need to be moving stuff around, this is for you. This deck can bend around most obstacles.

Enchant your lands fairly quickly. The Doubling Seasons will help later as the hammer begins to drop, so focus on casting critters first.

Once the critters start to hit the table, you can decide where the deck needs to go and move counters accordingly. If you can save your counter shuffling for the end of your opponents turn, it will make for a more effective attack. The Bairn, if it manages to stay on the table, will make things silly in a hurry. Try to equip the Bairn with the Headdress. This will make things easier by not putting the Bairn into battle.

The enchantments and instants help lower the boom. Choke has been a life saver a number of times as well as Serene Heart.

The Trumpet must be used wisely! Once you're done with defenses, plop this artifact on the battlefield and buckle up to get ready for the chaos.

On a 3 to 5 top, everyone will try to ally with you to get counters. I never trust them.

Deck Tags

  • Multiplayer
  • Kitchen Table
  • Spikes
  • Counters

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 908 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Not Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for Yikes! Spikes! (Multi)

I don't think you need the Decree of Savagery in this deck. It just seems like dead weight if you start with it in your hand or draw it early. The same goes with Overgrowth, it's 3cc when you already have Wild Growth and you really want to be playing a good Spike on your first three drop.

I'd cut down the Chameleon Colossus and the Vigor to one apiece. You'll probably draw one or the other, or the Defense of the Heart (super sweet card) to get both.

I can see where Choke and Serene Heart could be pretty apt in groups whose meta favors those things.

-4 Decree of Savagery
-1 Vigor
-1 Chameleon Colossus
-2 Overgrowth

And you'd have a 60 card deck that's a little more streamlined.

Posted 17 April 2013 at 04:03


Thanks for the feedback!
I'm going to take your advice and yank a Colossus and a Vigor.

The Savagery and Overgrowths will drop to 2, also. I felt Overgrowth was too much initially, but have found it aids in deck bendability. We'll see in play testing, I might have to go back to 4.

Thanks again for the feedback!

Posted 17 April 2013 at 15:02
